What future is in store for Putin when he abandons his post?

Our key question in the current political season is “Who will become Putin’s successor?” At the same time another question of similar importance captures the hearts and minds, “What will become of our president when he abandons his post?”

Well-known political scientists set forth a number of suggestions in the interview with Moskovsiy Komsomolets, assuming that the president could possibly start a business of his own, become a diplomat, take a high position that doesn’t require overworking, or find another way to continue running the country.

The most popular suggestion is that Putin will become the head of a large energy corporation based of Gazprom. Such is the opinion of Dmitriy Rogozin who believes it to be the only way for Putin to maintain his power.

Gazprom President

Alexei Mukhin, president of the Political Information Center , holds the same view. “I believe that the most plausible career alternative for the president is the head of the “Gazprom” directors’ council,” he notes. “Or perhaps it could even be a diplomatic position in post-soviet arena, tightly connected to the united states of Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan.” In addition this job would have much to do not only with security but also with the energy, in other words with business.

International Olympic Committee President

According to the political scientis Stanislav Belkovskiy, Putin could become the president of International Olympic Committee (the next OIC elections will be held in 2009) or take another position, just as admirable, which “would not require overworking but would nonetheless allow one to continue being a welcomed visitor in Western Europe and North America .”

Head of the Energy Super-company

Konstantin Semionov, the director of the Russia ’s Political Conjunction Center , believes that even before the next elections Putin will make his final mega-move – the most expensive energy company in the world. “Currently our country is not only exporting raw material to the West, but is an active player in the world’s market,” he comments, “For example we buy other firms’ stocks, including the energy companies. Following buying-exchanging path we could end up with a giant company with indisputable universal authority. Putin could easily become the head of directors’ council of such super-company.”

President of the united states of Russia , Belarus , Abkhazia and South Osetia

On the other hand many political scientists are not convinced that “Gazprom” is the way to go because the president had allegedly announced his disinterest in business. In any case Dmitriy Oreshkin, the leader of the “Merkator” group, states that Putin would not agree to take the 3rd or even the 2nd role in the nation’s leadership. “That’s why I believe that by 2008 there will be a refiguring of the political structure,” he explains, “The new nation’s design ( Russia , Belarus , Abkhazia and South Osetia ) appears completely surreal now but perhaps… And assuredly this new country would have its own brand-new Constitution, according to which no one would prevent Putin from seeking yet another term. A nation suffering from political ambitions and adoring Vladimir Putin would support such an idea with great joy…”

Putin will rule the nation alongside someone else

“He will enter the club of well-respected political retirees: along with Bush, Blair, Chirac and Schroeder he will observe with authority Russia ’s and world’s further political developments,” Bunin continues, “Doubtless, just like every other retired president he will have his own charity fund” - Igor Bunin, general director of the Center of Political Technologies says.

Source: Newsru.com

Translated by Natalia Vysotskaya

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Author`s name Alex Naumov