May 1 – demonstrations all over Moscow

On May 1 Muscovites of any political beliefs will be able to find demonstration to their liking.
Communist Party gets its supporters together on Oktyabrsaya Square at 9:30 am. Do not forget that red color is welcomed at this demonstration. At 10:30 the column will head for the Teatralnaya Square where the Communists will make speeches.

Democrats will wake up later, they will meet at 11:30 am at Chistye Prudy and will go to Lubyanka (former KGB building). The motto of their demonstration will be “Civil society against police state”. Parties Yabloko, SPS, Greenpeace, movement “For Human Rights”, Union of Soldiers’ Mothers Committees and other organizations will take part in this demonstration.

SPS activists will proceed with the tour on passenger boats along the Moscow River.

Trade Unions activists will be the first to wake up on May 1. At 8:30 am Trade Unions leader Mikhail Shmakov will already be standing near the Belorussky Railway Station, under blue banners. At 9 am Trade Unions activists will go to the Tverskaya Square, at 10 am they will make speeches there near the monument to founder of Moscow Yury Dolgioruki.

LDPR party headed by Vladimir Zhirinovsky will be the last to commemorate May 1. Zhirinovsky’s supporters will gather near the entrance to the Sokolniki Park with the most peaceful slogans, “LDPR stands for quiet and decent life, with no wars, revolutions and bloodshed”.

Vehicles will not be allowed on the most Moscow roads that day.


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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova