Russia and NATO Discussed Flagship Program

Russia and NATO established stable working relationship
Russia and the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization have come to an agreement on a cooperation program concerning possible creation of a non-strategic battle-ground anti-missile defense system. This was reported by NATO Secretary General George Robertson. "We have coordinated a program of the Russia-NATO council's activity aimed at creation of a battle-ground anti-missile defense system," George Robertson said at a Moscow press-conference dedicated to the council's session yesterday.

As the Interfax news agency reports, the NATO secretary general explained that cooperation between Moscow and the alliance in creation of the system is connected with financial spending meant for realization of the project.

"We can judge this or that project by the degree of its financing. In this respect, we have fixed a breakthrough." At that, George Robertson said that each of the 20 countries (Russia and the 19 NATO members) claim they are ready to finance the project.

George Robertson told journalists that contradictions between Russia and NATO concerning the Iraqi problem were not insurmountable. "As experience shows, we can have different opinions, but we don't fall out with each other. It indicates that the Russian Federation and NATO have established stable working relationship," George Robertson says.

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Author`s name Michael Simpson