The Middle East's New President

By Xavier Lerma

President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Nativity and prayed inside the cave where Christ was born. He also visited a Franciscan monastery in Bethlehem. The Palestinians were so happy they named a street after him. I have never seen anyone more genuinely respected or treated better in the Middle East than Putin. Palestine and Jordan were no less happy to see him than Israel was.

President Mahmoud Abbas and President Putin opened a new Russian science and culture center in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. The ground the center was built on was donated as a gift to the Russian Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society (IPPO) by the Palestinian authorities four years ago.

The Middle East's New President

The center will promote cooperation in humanitarian, cultural, scientific and educational fields between the people of Russia and Palestine. Abbas said,

"We have always admired Russia - its culture, spirituality, and its traditions."

Palestine is in good relations with Russia. Putin said,

"the problem of recognizing an independent Palestinian state does not exist."

He thanked President Abbas for supporting  the Russian Orthodox Church in the Holy Land as well as other Russian projects there. Before the meeting Abbas expressed his trust in Putin and said Russia is

"doing everything possible to advance the peace process, using bilateral relations, both in the U.S. and with Israel, as well as in the arena of international forums,"

During the meeting he asked Putin to help in the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel. He conceded the only way to peace was negotiating with Israel. He agreed with Putin that it was necessary to have peace talks in Moscow. Putin replied,

"we will do everything in our power to build up mutually beneficial cooperation"

The world should be amazed in how Putin is able to persuade Israel and Palestine to agree to future peace talks. What's funny is that he didn't try to get them together like an inept politician. It just happened.

"I did not put forward such an objective - to insist on a personal meeting between the leaders of the two states - but I got the impression that understandings are possible,"

Maybe he really is Darth Vader like the trembling bed wetters in the US insist he is. He just motioned his hand and they did as he said. I can hear the keyboards of those antichrist blogs clicking away writing that Putin is "The Anti-Christ". Well, if that was so, why isn't he writhing in pain when he touched Holy Water or was blessed by the Patriarch? I don't know which is more crazy those who hate and fear Putin or the western media who ignore his success.

Putin is so successful even Kings smile and do his bidding. In Jordan, King Abdullah II greeted President Putin with a warm handshake and open arms. The government of Jordan gave land for a boarding house for Russian pilgrims travelling to the place where Jesus Christ was baptized in the River Jordan. The King also said he hoped to strengthen economic and social relations with Russia.

President Putin thanked King Abdullah II for his gift of land for the Christian pilgrim's guesthouse. He told the story how it all came about. He said that six years ago, Prince Ghazi was the first to suggest the donation of land and that a center should be built there for Christian pilgrims. The plot of land was also donated for an Orthodox Church in Amman. Putin then agreed there should be more economic progress between their two countries. He said,

"We will do everything possible to further develop them in the future."

So, is it Putin's power as Russian president that makes everyone in the Middle East love him? Maybe everyone is just sick and tired of the United States government interference in the Middle East. The Arab Spring allowed militant Muslims to seize control and more Christians and Jews have been killed because of US "democracy".

Keep in mind in Syria the Christians are safe under Assad. If the West gets their way they're all dead. I know Christianity is under assault in the West by the ACLU, but do they have to spread their hate everywhere?

Putin and everyone in the Middle East know it's the US and Arab states that want Assad out. So in keeping the peace Putin called Russia to cancel the delivery of S-300 long-range missiles to Syria. A conference on Syria is to be held in Geneva on June 30th next Saturday. Russia, the US, Britain, China, France, several key Arab League nations along with Saudi Arabia and Iran should be there. Putin wants as many countries from the Middle East to be at the conference.

Putin is so busy these days it's enough to make your head spin. He's done more work this month than Obama did in 3 ½ years and it only cost a fraction of what Obama spent on vacations. Of course, the American media continues to ignore or downplay President Putin's efforts. So don't hold your breath, they will never call him a peace maker or a Christian. The Bilderbergers don't like that. Soros and company better get ready. The Judo expert from Russia may get elected president of the Middle East this Saturday.

Xavier Lerma

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov