Final peace in Iraq will be solved though words, not war

When George W. Bush and his supporters made the first mistake by invading Iraq, they also made the second big mistake by dismantling Saddam Hussein’s State Government without having a substitute state government to replace it. The current, so-called democratic government in Iraq seems nothing more than an assembly of community speakers. It’s a democracy of non-functionaries, because sectarian violence is a symptom of a non-functioning state, no matter by what name the government is called. Sectarian violence brews hatred and revenge, which grows further out of control, as time passes. Sending 20,000 more US troops to Iraq will not only add more fuel to the sectarian fire already burning in Iraq, but it will bring the US death toll to 4,000 or more dead Americans by year-end 2007, and 30,000 severely injured.

It is courageous of many God loving Americans to forgive their President for his sins, because he admits that invading Iraq was a mistake. It would be more courageous of the American people to ask of their President and political leaders that for all the American soldiers who are still alive in Iraq that they all return home in 2007, alive.

War is not a sport where there are winners, especially when so many young soldiers, innocent children, women and men must die or become severely injured, so that some politician can declare victory for his country or for himself.

Instead of spending billions of military dollars to change Iraqi cities into deserts, the money could be better spent by assisting Iraqi families to raise healthy and moral thinking children; help develop communities according to the common needs of the people, not their differences; and to encourage a peaceful way-of-life and coexistence between people of different beliefs. A State belongs to the people, not the other way around. The real leadership for each Iraqi community will come from a charismatic leader, who can touch and talk to the people, eat their food, laugh when they are happy, and cry over their pain. The real democratic leader will bring Iraq out of the dust, instead of turning it into dust.

The right solution for Iraq will come from the Iraqi people. Evil people are everywhere, but loud only makes evil people bigger until the silent majority finally speaks out. The freedom loving people of Iraq must learn to find a path, which leads to peace and respect for human rights. Democratic freedom is not born out of silence and indifference. The final peace in Iraq will be solved though words not war.

By Donald Norell

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov