People of Darfur left to die

Increased fighting forces UNO to suspend relief operations

While the United States of America deploys hundreds of billions of dollars in a one-sided massacre in Iraq, based on no foundation whatsoever, except for barefaced lies, after the United States of America insulted, belittled and disrespected the United Nations Organization so wantonly and so completely, a real crisis affecting up to two million people unfolds before our eyes in Sudan. As Christmas draws near, the situation has become so desperate that now the UN teams have been forced to suspend relief operations. Welcome to the world's worst humanitarian crisis, while the international community turns its back and inspects its navel.

The Darfur story attracted some muted attention for a few days some months back and the odd visit by a politician, lots of promises. Nothing more. The UNO has been fighting an uphill battle single-handedly, caught between four warring factions (two rebel groups in Darfur, the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Janjaweed militia) which has led to over two million displaced persons, thousands massacred and raped, villages burnt and crops laid to waste.

Despite the flash-in-the-pan interest aroused by a handful of international media outlets, the story, which PRAVDA.Ru has been following for months and has been trying to place in the public eye, the result has been zero.

Instead of the situation getting better, it is worsening. Villages continue to be ransacked, Janjaweed militia now attack the refugee camps themselves, looting, rape, beatings and murder continue unabated and the situation has descended into such total chaos that even the United Nations teams cannot cope.

The UNAMIS (United Nations Advanced Mission in Sudan) has provided reports of widespread violence in the three Darfur provinces (North, West and South Darfur), where the world's worst humanitarian crisis continues, one year after it started.

Yet the international community once again fails to unite behind the UNO providing the organization with the means it needs to address the root of the problem and the main culprit in this state of affairs is George W. Bush, due to his regime's policy of systematically deriding the UNO, dividing the international community and destroying the fabric of international diplomacy in one fell swoop.

While the talks proceed in Abuja between the African Union, the Justice and Equality Movement, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Sudanese government, the killing continues, as it has all year long during countless talks.

How many more innocent people have to be killed, or burnt, or raped, or all three, or beaten, or be robbed, looted and see their livelihoods destroyed before their eyes before the international community decides to act?

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Author`s name Olga Savka