Bush and Blair: Self-righteous insolence

Sickening session of back-patting reveals desperate attempt at self-justification

George Bush and Anthony Blair know that they insulted the international community and broke international law when they attacked Iraq, a country which posed no threat whatsoever against their countries, despite all the lies.

To try to justify themselves, they stand together with increasing frequency, patting each other on the back, exchanging pleasantries and preening themselves in public in a sickening display of mutual affection which, if they were girls, would no doubt see them going into the toilet together.

With phrases like, "We'll hold their feet to the fire to make sure that democracy prevails", George Bush displays his black-and-white, provincial and limited view of the world stage yet again. Hold their feet to the fire? Why not go the whole hog and throw them on it, or else drop cluster bombs in their residential areas? Or how about sending Lynndie England to Palestine to provide us with photos which look like they were taken in Belsen?

With phrases like,"If we want a viable Palestinian state, we want to make sure the political, the economic and the security infrastructure of that state is shaped and comes into being," the British Prime Minister, who knows very well shat he is doing, make it crystal clear that this marauding Anglo-Saxon is alive, very well, and thriving and that we can all expect more of the same.

However, the world is not their oyster. The ones who stood up for values, moral and ethical values, and international law were not Washington and London. While Moscow, Paris, Berlin, Beijing and Brasilia were busy forming an Axis of Reason, London and Washington, with a handful of frightened sycophants, were forging an Axis of Evil and committing war crimes.

Civilians were murdered. Cluster bombs were deployed in residential areas. Kids had their legs and arms blasted off them. Women were raped in custody. People were tortured. Tens of thousands were injured and tens of thousands were killed. Lies were told. Documents were forged. Is this being "the pillars of a free world?"

The stance taken by Bush and Blair in blowing their trumpets so often spells out two things: first, that they are deep-down uneasy with what they have done, indeed Tony Blair nearly resigned earlier this year and contemplated changing from Anglicanism to Catholicism, which, however noble a quest, reveals that he is troubled inside and second, this Anglo-Saxon Alliance remains and continues to be an insult to the international community which through the United Nations Organization, made one simple request: that Washington and London adhere to international law.

They did not because they had committed their troops in the area before bothering to find out the facts and were not man enough to back down. Bush and Blair do not stand for freedom and democracy or anything else because free and democratic states must follow the principles of freedom and democracy, namely debate, discussion, dialogue and the UN Security Council is the proper forum for crisis management, not the rule of the rifle.

Bush behaved like an American settler, taming the wilderness with the bullet and the Bible. Blair followed him because he would do anything to gain protagonism. It is as simple as that.

Bush and Blair stand for war crimes and murder, Bush and Blair stand for a breach of international law and an insult to those who uphold and abide by it. Nothing else.

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Author`s name Olga Savka