Get over it

The simple fact is that John Kerry lost his bid to turn the United States of America into a socialist country.  

It has only been a little over one week since President Bush successfully and soundly beat John Kerry in one of the hardest fought presidential elections in United States history.  Even though President Bush beat Kerry by an amazing 52 to 47 percent and by more than 2 million votes, most liberal Democrats cannot accept the fact that Kerry lost.  Instead, they are showing their true liberal colors by trying to prove the elections were somehow fixed to help President Bush.

I have written opinion columns for Pravda for sometime now.  Although a fan of the paper, I must be truthful and admit that I do not agree with any of the propaganda written by the liberal columnist for Pravda. 
Therefore, when the Editor of Pravda offered me the opportunity to write a bi-monthly column to provide a more fair and balanced side of American politics, I jumped at the offer. 
By the way:  I am a very conservative Republican.  I back President Bush and will stick up for him and his policies whenever I get the chance. (Unlike other American’s writing for Pravda.)  
Having said that:
It has only been a little over one week since President Bush successfully and soundly beat John Kerry in one of the hardest fought presidential elections in United States history.  Even though President Bush beat Kerry by an amazing 52 to 47 percent and by more than 2 million votes, most liberal Democrats cannot accept the fact that Kerry lost.  Instead, they are showing their true liberal colors by trying to prove the elections were somehow fixed to help President Bush.
Most liberals are still unable to accept the fact that after four years of trying to discredit President Bush using the New York Times and the rest of the liberal media, along with moronic statements by Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand and other idiotic liberal entertainers, the President still won.
The liberals took the news so hard a few are actually looking for citizenship in Canada and France.  I guess they cannot take four more years of inspirational leadership by President Bush, but would rather live in a socialist country that appeases terrorists.
Speaking for most conservatives, I wish them all the luck in the world with their future immigrations.  I only hope they plan on moving before the 2006 elections, 60 Republican seats in the US Senate would make me even happier than I was last week when President Bush won.
Moreover, when they go, I hope they take a “fat-tub-of-lard” moviemaker named Michael Moore along with them.  Maybe Moore could even lead the exodus to their socialist nirvana.  Then I would really be in conservative paradise.
The strange thing is that liberals cannot humbly accept defeat and analyze how they lost the election.  Instead, they are pointing fingers at everyone except themselves.  Liberals just can’t face the fact that Kerry’s brain trust running his campaign ran a less than stellar election campaign.  The Democrat party in general cannot accept the fact that they fielded an under average, flip-flopping, lying candidate with the most liberal voting record in the United States Senate.  No wonder Kerry lost.
Now conspiracy theory whackos are coming out of the liberal woodwork.  According to some left leaning pundits and at least one brain dead socialist editorial columnist, President Bush and his conservative supporters rigged the 2004 elections in all 50 states and stole the election from John Kerry. 
These are the same brain dead liberals who in the past accused President Bush of being too dumb to tie his own shoes, let alone to be President of the United States.  Now they are saying President Bush has the evil intelligence of Doctor Strange Love, or some other evil genius, and he is trying to take over the world with some devious plan of world dominance.  Oh yeah, and along the way he has found a way to topple a democratic election system in the United States that has worked for over 200 years.
These nut jobs should stick to looking for space aliens who impregnate cows with space germs to make a master bovine race, and stay out of politics and writing opinion columns. 
Even Kerry’s own campaign officials and the Democratic National Committee say that there is no realistic chance that Kerry beat President Bush.
Jack Corrigan, a veteran Kerry adviser who led the Democrats' team of 3,600 attorneys who where stationed across the country on Election Day to look for voting irregularities said,  ''I get why people are frustrated, but they did not steal this election."
Corrigan also said, ''There were a few problems here and there in the election. But unlike 2000, there is no doubt that they actually got more votes than we did, and they got them in the states that mattered."

DNC spokesman Jano Cabrera said, "The simple fact of the matter is that Republicans received more votes than Democrats, and we're not contesting this election."
The simple fact is that John Kerry lost his bid to turn the United States of America into a socialist country.  52 percent of Americans were smart enough to see through his flip-flopping arrogance and voted for the man who can lead this country in desperate times, George W. Bush.

Get over it liberals, and please let me help you pack when you are ready to move to Canada.  I need a good laugh.

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Author`s name Steve Darnell