Another version of Srebrenica

PRAVDA.Ru presents "lost" Srebrenica report to readers

Paddy Ashdown, the designated High Representative and EU Special Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, will recognize the word "Srebrenica" and after reading this article, he may very well believe that his cards have been called. We present our readers with the "lost" version of the Srebrenica Report, about what really happened, for them to consider.

Probably this site will be taken down at some time this evening and possibly, the author's personal e-mail box will receive death threats. It would not be the first time and certainly will not be the last. But while the site is running, we have the pleasure to present to our readers some important material sent to us by those who stand up for international law against the illegal detention of Slobodan Milosevic.

Eager to produce an independent and true report about the Srebrenica massacre, which has been blamed on the Serbs, in September 2002, the Republika Srpska Bureau for Cooperation produced an independent and objective report about what really happened in Srebrenica. The report was based on UN documents, Bosnia Herzegovina Army documents, International Red Cross documents and photographs and exposed the Serb massacre theory as a fraud, claiming the Serbs had been framed.

Paddy Ashdown, once leader of the Liberal Democrats in the UK, but acting in a manner which could hardly be called liberal, nor democratic, dismissed the leaders of the commission which wrote this report, of which only 500 copies were made and appointed a new commission to write a new report, which would support his version of events, namely that the Serbs were the butchers and the Moslems the victims.

With only 500 copies of the Republika Srpska report in existence, and many of these having been hidden or shredded, without another version of events, the Ashdown version had no competition and this failed politician could claim to be the guardian of the word on Srebrenica. However, Mr. Paddy Ashdown, your time is up.

With the collaboration of, Pravda.Ru is happy to produce a copy of the 139-page Republika Srpska report for our readers to analyse.

The report states categorically that all war criminals should be identified, whatever their nationality, as a means to creating a scenario whereby all parties involved in the wars could reconcile and goes on to document the events between 1992 and 1995, in which the Serbs were the main victims. It also follows the history of the Serb residents in Srebrenica, "from majority to minority".

The report makes for interesting reading, if the advocates of freedom of speech and freedom of the press would like to take a look. As for Paddy Ashdown, whose diplomatic skills amount to zero, he condemned this report as nonsense without even bothering to read it. Some liberal, some democrat.

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov