Do we really expect freedom to come for free?!

The search for freedom tends to be an activity which produces a lot of excitement
Do we really expect freedom to come for free?! Do we really expect a society which has been oppressed for the last 30 years to just roll over to a new way of thinking?!

Certainly not! Yet, we know , as men from free societies, I would have a lot of difficulty with my personality dealing with a ruthless , when we bring Democracy to Iraq, what we are trying to do is market our ideas to a people who should be aware of its dynamic qualities....that freedom , if given a chance, is a pretty catchy way to live....Al-Sadr was as quiet as a church mouse, until the USA generously gave him his freedom to ungratefully vent his anger against his liberators.....
When it came to WMD's, we found them....we found Saddam...the ultimate wmd...the man who used chemical weapons on his own people...a man whose country Iraq is the mirror image of Iran, who is currently snubbing their nose to the world community in their desire to create a nuclear weapons program from the veil of the peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy.....
Freedom is a rowdy doesn't come for free...surely, people will die fighting for it, but it's much better dying to become a freeman , than living as a slave, whether that be
a secular dictator or reactionary religious figure, men and women have the right to go to work everyday to support their families and live life as happily as they can.....and not be subject to the arbitrary power dictating over their lives....there's no life , when any group of people puts fear into your day in order to force you to think their way.....hopefully, the people of Iraq will become enraged against those who are the suicide bombers and those who are shooting it out with our forces , killing large numbers of innocent's time for the Iraqi citizens to circle their wagon train to Democracy , and shoot it out with the insurgents ruining their lives.....the only way to deal with savages is savagely...for life is as cheap, as an Iraqi last child , driving a beat -up car filled with explosives into a crowded area...because the only thing he has to live for is the promise of delightful divine virgins fulfilling his heathen will be a truly s! ad day for the world, in not countering this errant breed of thinking.....
The legacy of Bush, should be, hopefully, the dawn of a free society, for a group of people, who without the USA's help, had no chance whatsoever in being a free society....the greater sin is not trying .....and the world will always have injustice when it searches for freedom, in a world which will vainfully hold onto its power, and all the trappings of transitory satisfaction , notwithstanding, your miserable station in life, and the existentialism to which you've grown accustomed.....
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov