Bush gives Putin a serious slap on the wrist

Bush, who is the proud father of the Anti-Terrorist Act and the Patriot Act, tells Putin that he [Putin] is wrong.

In what is described as a 'severe scolding' with Bush playing 'daddy' has told Putin that he [Putin] is out of line in centralizing power of Russia's intelligence service to combat terrorism. 

How this makes sense, I don’t know.  Russia has been nailed by terrorist more than any country in Europe and in each case, Putin was blind-sided.  America has been hit once, and Bush knew before hand it was coming.  The US is attempting to try a couple of people for the act, but after 2.5 years, no convictions – why?

Putin's efforts are seen in the west as an attempt to use the fear of terrorism as a justification for imposing tyranny.  But, here is the problem; Bush is using fear of terrorism as a means to pass legislation that curtails the rights of the American citizen..  Just who is calling the kettle black?

Bush flaunted his version of a warm relationship with Putin to the American public.  However, Putin’s opposition to the invasion of Iraq put him on Bush’s short list, which gives indicators that the cold war might resume again pitting the US against Russia.  Bush and Putin have not spoken since 1 September 2004.

Bush has been critical of Putin and says the effort to consolidate power threatens democracy in Russia.  This is coming from the man who brought us two of the most diabolical legal acts, and laws not since the third Reich, to terra firma Americana, this comes from the man who has political ties to the companies that have already made and distributed the faulty electronic voting machines in which a majority vote can be tabulated in his favor by a simple two digit code, and the man who has cost the US just about every friend this country has had in the recent past.

Michael Berglin

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov