9/11 – three years after the catastrophe which changed the world

Terrorist attacks in New York and Washington caused a new war on a global scale.
Three years ago the planes hijacked by the terrorists, crashed into the Twin Tower of the World trade Center in New York and partly destroyed the Pentagon.

For the several days to come, the tragic anniversary will become the main issue for discussion throughout the globe. In the USA, the events of 9/11 are being used for the election campaign by both George Bush and John Kerry.  As for terrorists, they use the date for a new turn of the information warfare.

On September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks took the lives of 2,741 people. The USA was shocked with the terrorist act of such a big scale, and the country citizens lost the feeling of security. The fear made “the most democratic country in the world” as Americans call their motherland, to restrict some freedoms of the citizens inside the USA and deploy the troops in some foreign countries. The occupation of Afghanistan and overthrowing Saddam Hussein’s regime were supposed to become a march of democracy throughout the world. However, the war became protracted, and the end of it cannot be seen. Even many people in the USA have doubts if America stepped on the right way after opting for solving the problem with the use of force. The USA Still has threats of terrorist attacks, its soldiers die in Iraq and Afghanistan with no hope for а quick victory, while the leaders of terrorists are not in prison.

For example, yesterday, on the eve of 9/11, the international terrorism reminded about itself again. There was an explosion in Indonesian capital Jakarta near the Australian Embassy, 10 people were killed and more than 150 people were wounded. This explosion became a one more warning for the global community.

In the evening of September 10, Al-Jazeera TV Channel broadcast the speech of one of Al-Qaida leaders Aima Al-Zavakhiri who said that the USA will be defeated in its war with international terrorism started after 9/11. According to Al-Zavakhiri, Americans do not control Afghanistan. Only in the country’s capital Kabul Americans feel relatively comfortable, but even their they have to beware of suicide bombers. The other regions of Afghanistan are controlled by Taliban and their allies. As for Iraq, Al-Zavakhiri said that Americans lost the war their as the insurgents destroyed all the plans of George Bush’s administration on reconstructing Iraq after the war. The terrorist says that the USA has no choice: troops withdrawal from Iraq will be perceived by the international community as a defeat of the USA, but having the troops in Iraq will mean new losses, and finally the USA will have to give up anyway.

At the same time, one of the leaders of the terrorists in Iraq, Palestinian Abu Musab az-Zarkavi claims that he will establish an Islamic state in Iraq, the base for overthrowing the “infidel” regimes in the neighboring countries, including Israel. Az-Zarkavi, a Sunni promised that he would fight against Shiites. In addition, he warned that everybody collaborating with Americans, is an infidel, either this person is Sunni, Turkmen or Shiit, and deserves a death penalty.

How true are the words of the leaders of the terrorists? Certainly, the operations in Afghanistan and Iraq can hardly be called successful for the USA. There are big losses of the occupation forces, especially in Iraq. Obviously, Americans had no idea what they would get, before starting the military operation. However, there is some success, especially in the political domain, such as forming Iraqi government and the basis of the army. Also, there is a probability of successful outcome of the Presidential elections in Afghanistan which will take place until October 9.

However, settling conflicts with political means is a very long process. Experience show that it takes more than 10 years and a good deal of resources. Probably, for this reason the majority of the US citizens believe that using force is the best way to solve all the problems abroad. According to the research conducted by the German Marshall Fund (GMF), 54% of Americans consider using military the best way of getting peace.

By the way, about 54% of Americans support the foreign policy of George Bush, including continuing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US foreign policy became the main issue of the current election campaign in the USA. George Bush who only three years ago, after 9/11, turned from the disliked president into one of the most popular presidents for the country’s history, has many chances to be elected again. According to public opinion polls, the difference between the rating of George bush and John Kerry is small – 2-9 %.

Now the ratings of the two major presidential candidates depend on the information about their history in military and their agendas on fighting against terrorism. Americans expect that their head of state will solve the problem of terrorism, and the candidate who will be able to prove that he will not let tragedies like 9/11 happen, will be elected the President. However, there are many doubts that any of the US Presidential candidates will be able to live up these expectations. The problem is too complicated to be solved by one country, even by such a superpower as the USA is. The only option to solve this problem is cooperation between different countries in fighting terrorism, but there has been no such cooperation so far.

Nevertheless, let’s hope that the world leaders will finally understand the need to coordinate their efforts in fighting terrorism. In this case, tragedies like destroying the Twin Towers in New York or the hostage-taking at school of Beslan, will not happen in future.

Ivan Preobrazhensky

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova