John Niamtu: Americans are the saviors of the world

Dear Sir,

I am having a hard time trying to decide who is more ignorant, Andy D or John Kaminski?
We Americans are not War Criminals. We are the saviors of the world. We are the refugees of almost every corrupt and failed society on earth. Our forefathers learned form these bad governments. We survive because our government is of the people, by the people and for the people. If an American is willing to work and study hard they can succeed and almost any endeavor. We hate war but we will fight when we have to.We will fight  to protect ourselves and to protect the god given rights of others.

If we are guilty of anything it is our willingness to take on any sick bullies of the world, like Sudam or OBL, and in the process spread the enlightenment of freedom and Democracy. We do not occupy countries, we defeat the bad guys, install a democratic government and get out of the way.
Look at Germany and Japan.

Andy D and John Kaminski are too ignorant to recognize or seek out the truth.

They live on and spread propaganda.

John Niamtu, Oxford Connecticut, USA

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova