George Person: Lenin RESPONSE to article 2

There has been no documentary that I'm aware, that depicts Mr. Lenin as a ruthless mass murderer, even though he advocated violence in the achievement of political objectives - quite to the contrary, Lenin was a pure genius who could wrestle with the mighty intellectual and flamboyant power of the mind and spirit of the Russian people and revolution...thus, by in large, exercising mind over matter...and described as," a man completely devoid of his own self-worth..."
Mr.Lenin had a pretty slick inner circle of comrades of such an immense IQ and wit, that's its a tragedy of human political history that Lenin didn't embrace Jeffersonian Democracy...they could've taken Democracy to a truer and higher level...
Mr. Trotsky, a Jewish man with no military background, masterminds the creation of the Red Army?! The whole organizational structure, remarkable...
Mr. Stalin didn't have the natural IQ, to wrestle with the genius and artistic power of Russia, and resorted to political murder to gain absolute control to compensate for his lack of mental prowess...thus, it was the death of Lenin which contributed to the deaths of innocent Russians, because nobody was left with the natural charisma and genius to keep ahead of the Russian Revolution - allowing Lenin's successor to breath his hell upon the earth...yet, if analyzed, the difference between Stalin and Hitler, is a Jewish man could fight in Stalin's army versus dying in Hitler's concentration camp as a lamb for the slaughter as point of pride of Hebrew virility...
Initially, Lenin's revolution was aimed at the peasantry, but Lenin couldn't get them fired-up to support the new political movement...thus, turning to the proletariat or working class for the  energy and volunteerism to create a new society...
Mr. Lenin, however, did not advocate the collectivization of the Russian farms...this was Stalin's brainchild...which culminated into a state of "Kolyma" (suffering and death) - in which starvation, political terror, rapid industrialization, and WWII...created a lake of blood and a sea of suffering souls  unknown in human history... Lenin, was a man who went one on one with the murderers of his brother, who was executed by czarist Russia, perhaps even lawfully and bring justice for his brother's soul for the ideals for which he died - it was blood for blood... 
Perhaps we can say Lenin's life was a great story of love for his older brother, for whom he vowed vengeance in the name of the common man for whom he stood ...
The two great absolutes of the Russian Revolution was the death of Lenin and the life of Stalin...for the incompetence which emerged when the latter rose to power, combined with the everlasting effects of the Nazi invasion of WWII, created an atmosphere of death and fear which robbed the Russian society the right to live and enjoy this world at an unprecedented level of peace and prosperity, as they launched into a Cold War with the West, while they were still counting and burying the dead of WWII....
There's been enough death and suffering in Russia's past...Russia needs a breath of political fresh air, just embracing freedom and private property; keeping enough social services intact to keep people from slipping into deep poverty...hearing of poverty and corruption in Russia is terrible, but certainly fighting against the social problems of today is much better than fighting house to house in Stalingrad...turn the struggle of making a great lifestyle in Russia into a Great Patriotic War...this is a country that was willing to run through minefields to win, now let's see where a new generation of Russians can begin...
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova