Charles Fargo: Saving private Lynch

Its been about a year, and the situation pertaining to Pvt Jessica Lynch has been all but forgotten.  Yet given to the ordeal Ms. Lynch experienced, the young lady and her family still have each other. While many families in this country are not as lucky.

When the media broke the story, the claims were of a female in the military who was held captive by Iraqi forces.  In my opinion, I find that a titbit of propaganda and hype were used  to attempt to fortify the US invasion and presence in Iraq.

As many can recount the story of Ms. Lynch  and her ordeal, it must have been rather terrifying for the young lady, to include rather upsetting for her family at home waiting news about a loved one so dear to them.

As the story unfolded, Ms. Lynch was as explained held captive in a HOSPITAL.  I found that statement to have been rather odd.

Yet the Navy sent in a seal team for the rescue of Ms. Lynch  acting on so-called intelligence reports?   Later as televised from video tapes, the excursion showing the team in and out with out firing one shot.   The action looking something like a SWAT TEAM  on television.  Well the seal team left no person behind.

First acounts had Ms Lynch  resisting down to her last bullet.  Yet as the truth  surfaced, Ms. Lynch  had suffered broken ankles to include being unconscience  form collision of two US military trucks.

I find it rather intresting Ms. Lynch found herself lying in that hospital with no recollection at arriving there.

I question, how can a person be a captive POW in a civilian hospital with no militaty guards?  I question, did the people that brought Ms. Lynch to that hospital, inform the US military  that she was there?

Yet in referrence to some materal qouted in The Quran', in which it has to say about the protection and welfare of women and children.   In my opinion pertaining to Ms. Lynch, it is rather evident that there was or were an Arab or Arabs present, honoring  Allah's will, under the laws of Islam  as set forth by Mohamed the prophet.

As the story was placed in the media, then the public was learning the true facts.  It is quite clear there was skullduggery of propaganda  surrounding the exploits of Ms. Lynch.

Charles Fargo

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova