That's a pretty mean, as well as, queer thing to say...
My understanding of the disease is that it comes from infected chimps - which in the process of things, a human managed to get infected - now, the medical community is willing to be polite, and say it was probably eating an infected chimp that caused the problem..but, syphilis is a disease which comes from men fornicating with sheep, so in all likelihood, it was probably some depraved lonely African native who humped an hiv/siv infected chimp...and managed to spread the disease to the rest of the human race....quite an irony...that the birthplace of humanity would spread a disease which would become the deathbed of humanity...
The USA got its dose of AIDS from the was so bad, that New York City refused blood donations from Haitians...when you donate blood, the word to the wise is don't except any of it donating to plasma centers, just let them keep the whole's just not worth accepting your blood back with all the dirty blood going through the machines...also, if you think you need to go in for an operation...start saving some of your own blood before hand, just to be on the safe side...
What's more important? Finding a nice woman to get married to or fooling around and having unprotected sex?! A lot of us are guilty of it, but it's really stupid. The best thing, now, is to go out, and win a woman's heart, find a little romance, and take a little chance that your personality can win her over and avoid having premarital sex...making sure you have a blood test before you get hot and serious, because not only is there HIV, but hepatitis c is a liver killer, and could cause a lot of sever physical harm, too...and those innocent sexy eyes have been lusted after long before yours gazed into hers...
What's interesting about AIDS is the moral question. That one single sin of premarital sex can destroy your life and image with God...perhaps we should see the dark poetry of the disease, leading us towards the light of responsible relationships, where we avoid the lifestyle which can bring us destruction and ruin a fulfilling, fruitful, and productive life.........for something as deadly and meaningless as a disease spread from having sex with an infected chimp...really, such a queer and horrible way to die...
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona
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