George Person: Church of violence - Jesus the Lion RESPONSE

There's nothing like a good religious discussion to perk things up...
A fundamental difference between Catholicism and Protestantism is that the Catholics take the bible in context, while the Protestants want to seek a literal interpretation of the words of the bible - thus, the Catholic Church embodies the full religious tradition from the time of the last supper, to the Crucifixion of St. Peter in Rome...and onward thru the centuries thru the dreams and visions of Priests, Nuns, and Laity...who have chronicled their journey as they embraced Christ in the full psychic reality...sort of  John Edwards deluxe...the Catholic Church within their archives of the Vatican, have absolutely no doubt whatsoever of the existence of Jesus...buried in these archives are stories of the supernatural which would make Stephen King a reciter of twisted nursery rhymes...
Jesus when he first came to Earth , came to preach the good news about another dimension of the Universe, a place of perfect peace and happiness...and also perfect His own being, which was going one on one with the Devil...demonstrating the ultimate relationship between man and God...where a handsome, super intelligent, spiritually perfect being - would deny himself the two most powerful forces on Earth - money and sex - he would have the power to acquire all the power of the world, yet would deny himself...for the welfare of all men on Earth and deny the devil his victory over the human race...
Jesus's words must be taken in context - Jesus never meant that it was forbidden to defend yourself! That's a fundamental right of defend your existence....what Jesus really means is to try to live in peace and harmony and love....defend your life and defend your family....for Jesus is a man who himself was fighting a great war against Satan...Why would he ask you not to fight against the darkest night?! What he wants us to do is reason with our enemies so we can get back to the dawn , where the day's golden ray's can take us safely back into it's arms. Doing everything we can to deny this malevolent force the power to drive the nations of this world to destroy themselves--and their souls!
On 9-11, America turned both cheeks as the twin towers came tumbling to the Earth.
It's only natural for people to be enraged by malevolent cowardice masquerading as a religion with purpose...taking advantage of a free societies trust and honor , in accepting people at face value...but in reality they are planning your destruction in every waking moment....for their own vain and misguided purposes...
Jesus was really the lion of Judah , as well as the lamb....for it was the humility of His warrior powers that He submit himself to the laws of our world.....becoming a lamb for the immolation, in order to perfect His relationship to God, as all human beings of this world will experience - for nobody has ever said it more powerfully than Jesus,"I'm the resurrection and the life." And if peace is going to come to this world , it will eventually have to be held in one hand - because this is the only language the universe really understands....
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova