Travis Plage: Regarding your article on Saddam going insane

Dear editors, 

It’s not much of a surprise to read such a blatantly biased article on your website when you consider the source.  But then again, I’m a frequent reader or Pravda and was even appalled.  You quoted a survey finding that 70% of Americans are in favor of Saddam’s presumed execution being televised and then snipe at our civilization for being undemocratic.  First let me say this.  I question the validity of the poll you cited, since I myself have seen many indicating the opposite.  But assuming that you are telling the truth, then perhaps I can explain your findings.  As an American, I have to put up with foreigners constantly questioning the motives and deeds of my nation ….accordingly, if Saddam were to be executed without it being televised, half the world (Probably including you neo communist nutcases) would claim that we entered into an agreement with him and let the man go.

Travis Plage

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova