UK accused of doing Washington's dirty work

Ex-Minister claimed UK spies bugged UN after request from US.
The Britain of Tony Blair is Washington's lap-dog, to order to heel, to use and to abuse. The latest revelations that Washington asked London to bug the UN Secretary-General's office and the representatives of the UNSC will come as no surprise in today's world, where Washington and London prefer to lie, forge documents and kill than to use discussion, debate, dialogue and diplomacy.

Claire Short, the former Cabinet Minister for Overseas Development, who resigned over the ilegality of the war against Iraq, claimed yesterday that British spies bugged the office of Kofi Annan in the period before the war, giving as proof the fact that she had read transcripts of such conversations.

Another source, Katherine Gun, was dismissed from her job at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) for leaking the contents of a memo, dated January 2003, which referred to eavesdropping activities on the representatives of UN Security Council members from Angola, Bulgaria,
Cameroon, Chile, Guinea Conakri and Pakistan, who had their telephones tapped.


To try to find something to be used later to blackmail or cajole these representatives to support Washington and London in their attack against Iraq, because Washington and London knew and know that the attack was illegal without the support of the UNSC.

This is the diplomacy followed by the Bush regime in Washington and the Blair regime in London, sanctioned by a handful of cowards such as Portugal's Jose Barroso, Spain's Jose Maria Aznar and Italy's Silvio Berlusconi. How much lower can this gallery of rogues sink?

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova