Rap for JAY-Z and the NFL

As regular readers of Pravda.Report are undoubtedly aware, ever since the National Football League (NFL) banned Colin Kaepernick a little more than three years ago for protesting racial injustice during the playing of the national anthem, I have been writing articles not only condemning this ban, but also the NFL ownership's blatant hypocrisy and shameless racism.  But after musician Jay-Z was signed to camouflage these realities, I realized a new approach might be necessary. 

For readers who may not be familiar with the use of just first, last, or abbreviated names in the rap verse below, "Kaep" is a shortened version of "Kaepernick"; "Goodell" is the commissioner of the NFL and was instrumental in the duplicitous signing of Jay-Z; "John and Tommie" refer to the sprinters who protested during the playing of the national anthem at the 1968 Olympics; and Ali is, of course, the late, great Muhammad Ali, who caused outrage for refusing to be inducted into the military during America's war against Vietnam.

Here's a little rap, so you can see

About the sell-out they call Jay-Z.

A little while ago he did a rap

Damning those who were damning Kaep.

Telling the owners of the NFL

That they could all just go to hell.

But these owners, they knew the scoop.

That Jay-Z was the perfect dupe.

So Goodell said, "Since we like your song,

How 'bout saying banning Kaep ain't wrong."

Jay-Z laughed and said "Sure I'll sign.

Getting that cash is the bottom line."


Let me tell you mister, listen up ma'am,

The NFL is the ultimate scam.

Shielding the bullies, masking injury with drugs.

Welcoming the wife-beaters, concussions, and thugs.

See, it ain't about winning or getting that ring.

Drunk fans and gambling, that's the NFL thing.

Saying, "Throw us your money, don't make a fuss.

The health of our players don't mean a damn thing to us."


And brothers and sisters when it comes to race,

The NFL says you'd better know your place.

"Black folks were made to be seen, not heard,

Unless Jay-Z is giving the word."

The world hated John and Tommie, hated Ali,

For their attempts to set us free.

Now they're honored, yet it's a national disgrace

That their truths are still considered slaps in the face.

Black lives don't matter, the protests are gone,

But the banning of Kaep still lingers on.

So that's my rap about Jay-Z,

The racist NFL and its white supremacy.

David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Report

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Author`s name David R. Hoffman