Trump's Tweets and Hurting America

Trump's Tweets and Hurting America

Did you all hear about Trump's Tweets this weekend?  He basically told four progressive House of Representative women they should shut up and go back to their corrupt, infested, crime-ridden countries.

Donald Trump and his segment of America may be defined as human beings by the ways in which they look at others, especially the unlovely, the disenfranchized, those under bridges and the countries they live in.

I am not religious by any means, but Jesus actually said on judgment day you will only be asked one question... Did you feed the hungry, clothe the naked... Only. One. Question.

He basically said the most important thing you can do in this life is to be kind to those down on their luck.

We can look down our noses at some skinny addict and call her a "skank" or a "crack ho". Or, we can see her as someone's little girl and find compassion in our hearts. I am serious when I say to you that by the grace of god she could be your little girl.

This is why the President's remarks this weekend should not just make us angry but hurt our very souls.  

He tweeted about congresswomen who he claimed "originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world ... now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run."

"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

He was probably speaking of House Representative Ilhan Abdullahi Omar who was born in Somalia. She became a US citizen at age 17. Somalia is indeed a troubled country. Somalia is the world's deadliest place to be a child, a country where, according to UNICEF and the World Bank, one in seven children will not live to see their fifth birthday. Let that sink in .... one in seven children will die before they are five. There is not enough food there to feed the children, their parents or their animals.

Do we really want to call them names? We should be weeping right now because we DO NOT WANT TO CALL THEM NAMES. We want to help them.

What is President Trump teaching children all over the world about how to respond to hunger, and malnutrition and poverty? I will tell you what. That we yell from the rooftops that "America is the greatest country on the earth! Sorry about your luck you broken and infested garbage mess of a country you.." (the quotes are the writers)

This is not the first time he is teaching this to the world. The White House did not dispute that during a meeting in the Oval Office when discussing protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, President Trump said, "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"

This is not the lesson we want to teach our children about the poor be it persons or countries. When we read about Somalia and other poor nations with starving children and other horrors associated with poverty we should be asking what can we do to help them.  The last thing we as human beings should be doing is throwing stones of condemnation at them.  

This writer would like to suggest that there is a poverty that equals that of hunger.  And, it is a poverty of the soul.  When a nation feels that might makes right and the poor be damned, it may, in fact, be the country that is the poorest of all.  

Trump's Tweets and Hurting America. 63667.jpeg

Nancy O'Brien Simpson
Ms. Simpson was a radio personality in New York.  She was a staff writer for The Liberty Report.  A PBS documentary was done on her activism for human rights.  She is a psychotherapist and political commentator.  


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