Courage or Treason

On November 10, 2014, at the Kaufmann Concert Hall, the 92nd Street Y presented a political heavyweight, Senator McCain from Arizona, tagged along by a grinning Robert Lloyd "Bob" Schieffer, a veteran journalist and anchor for CBS news! You may wonder what a notorious Republican neocon has to do with an ultra liberal Democrat? But then if you do a little digging, you may discover that Bob Scheiffer had a robust, cozy bond with George W. Bush! 

They surfaced at the sporting events and social gatherings, even played rounds of golf together. Scheiffer's brother, Tom, a strategically inclined impresario, coaxed Bush Jr. into buying the Texas Rangers baseball team in 1989. That brought gargantuan profits to the budding investors. In return, overwhelmed Bush Jr. rewarded Tom Scheiffer with an appealing position as a U.S. Ambassador - first to Australia then Japan.

I wasn't jeered to attend the odious event and had no intend in shelling out the hard earned $86 required to hear such a vitriolic man like McCain.  After all, I lost all respects for him years ago. Neither do I harbor any curiosity to listen to Bob Scheiffer.

But the ticket came as a surprise from a Navy veteran who had prepared some daring questions towards McCain - including a question about the USS Liberty treason and McCain's passionate advocacy for the Jewish lobby.  So, after a few debates and refusals, I held my nose and agreed to join my friend and, perhaps, confront the wily Senator with my own written notes about his direct involvement during the Georgia war and now the Ukrainian fiasco, cunningly planned for years to put the whole blame on the valiant Russian President Putin.

The whole hoopla of McCain's appearance at the 92St Y was to pimp his new book, "Thirteen Soldiers: A Personal History of Americans at War."  I'm stating facts and wish not to become a vehicle of advertisement for his publication.

I must admit, despite of the fact that I severely despise this man, he exhumes a lot of charisma! He was comfortable in his skin and lied flawlessly.  Robert McNamara's name was invoked as McCain spoke warmly of the Vietnam experience! He went far enough to admit he liked and built good ties with the Vietnamese people.  Of course, we know why: McCain wants to rock the ship of Red China through newly adapted Vietnamese allies.  He wants to destabilize China and punish the country for growing closer to Russia rather than to the United States!

I saw "The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara," a 2003 Errol Morris documentary.  I highly recommend this award winning film! At the end, the former Secretary of Defense confided that he was wrong about Viet Nam all along! He lived with guilt till the day he died in 2009.

I wonder if McCain would have ever come to such conclusion!

McCain spoke in length about honoring the American veterans! However, he didn't mention that most of them are dying in terrible conditions. They wait for months in long lines to see their regular medical doctors, not to mention specialists.  The government has enough money to start new undeclared wars, but can't find enough funds to help the veterans coming back crippled from these unwelcomed battlefields!

McCain scorned the Obama administration, claiming Obama was straying from Israel and leaning towards Iran.  Kerry was also slammed for being too lame - but he praised both Clintons as the best people and praised them profusely!

There is a reason for this: the Clintons were his partners in crime in the same scheme to ruin Russia and bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO. They don't care at what expense. 

McCain often makes trips to Kiev, and so does Victoria Nuland, a former right hand of Hillary Clinton, when madam Clinton was still Secretary of State. Hillary left the dirty job to Nuland to stage overthrowing the Ukrainian government, while Mrs. Clinton was busy cleansing the blood off her hands from the Benghazi scandal as she strategically planned for her hopeful "ascendancy " to the White House in 2016.

Perhaps Senator McCain's name was engraved in her VEEP ticket? It's no longer a secret: he is a closeted Liberal!  Do we have to remind him that he will turn eighty in 2016 while Hillary will climb to a sweet sixty-nine? Keep it in mind, rabid voter; engage your sanity! God bless us all!

McCain spoke lovingly about Joe Lieberman, a former Senator from Connecticut. 

He said he and Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina are lonely without Joe on the Senate floor. They formed a three-man coalition to push their Israel agenda! The mighty three were the moving fist behind the Jewish lobby! According to McCain words, he still talks with Lieberman daily on the phone, no matter where he goes. 

Another detail of his devious dialogue is in question. Was McCain joking when he blabbed that due to his kinship with his best pal, Lieberman, he had converted to Judaism?  McCain cackled, adding that now he can enjoy more time away from Senate, as Joe did during the countless Jewish holidays. 

The 92St Y is a primary Jewish organization. Ovations from most rows were roaring. My companion and I remained unmoved. McCain dodged our blistering questions, answering only to ones written in his favor by some of the attendees from the audience. Or did McCain write these inquiries by himself to pat his ego?

I rose and left while the storm of applauses continued. What a squander of precious time! But I keep my questions ready, if I ever find an opportunity to face McCain personally.  One of my queries:  Why do you, Senator McCain, continue to serve Israel interests first before your own country? Is it about courage - or treason?

Victoria F. Lee

November 15, 2014


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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey