Familiar Reich Policy in the Ukraine

"Carrying out the plan of occupation of Ukraine and Russia, the 'Drang nach Osten', Hitler invested millions in arms. Now the EU, carrying out the same plan, is investing millions in so-called subsidies. The condition of provision is amendment of both legislation and the Constitution. The nation defended itself against Hitler, but not so against the EU which Ukraine is eager to join. It is a masterpiece of deception. Subsidies are provided on condition of legalisation of homosexuality, gender equality and juvenile justice. The EU is thus funding the moral, spiritual and physical auto-genocide of the nation." If it succeeds, the consequences will be bloody for the Ukraine and dangerous for world peace.

Media propaganda and bias have perniciously concealed the real instigators and ultimate aims of the current unrest on the streets of Kiev. Events are falsely portrayed as the desire of Ukrainians to join the bankrupt EU Titanic, as if they were eager to commit financial and political suicide. In reality, however, the chaos is an attack on Russia, incited by Vatican and Jesuit intrigue and driven by German foreign policy.

When the historical sequence of European events is considered - an ethnically Polish-Ukrainian Pope, a German Pope, a Jesuit Pope educated by Ukrainians, the repetition of Reich policy towards the Ukraine, deliberate media distortion, and the political myopia of our leaders - the pieces of the Ukrainian jigsaw puzzle begin to fit together.

John Paul II - a half-Ukranian Pope

In 1987, John Paul II, the first 'Eastern Pope', spoke of his vision of Europe as embracing the whole continent "from the Atlantic to the Urals" and later described the Slav peoples of the East collectively as "that other lung of our common European motherland".

It is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Vatican that this so-called 'Polish' Pope, by his real name Karol Wojtyla, was in fact half Ukrainian: his mother, Emilia Kacharovska, was born in a village outside near Drohobych, a city in the Lviv region of the western Ukraine. The city of Lviv itself boasts a cathedral (St. Peter and St. Paul of the Jesuit Order) which renders it an active and influential Jesuit centre. The church was constructed in the beginning of the 17th century and is modelled after the classic Church of the Gesù in Rome. A tourist guide book to Lviv wryly states: "Much like the Jesuits themselves, the structure is meant to be kept an enigma and random tourists will find it difficult to gain full access."6

During the Tsarist campaign to rid the Ukraine of its 'Uniate' element (the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church), Wojtyla's family moved to the Krakow area and eventually became nationalised Poles.7

The concept of a 'Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church' (UGCC) may be confusing: it is an Eastern rite church in communion with the Vatican but not Roman Catholic, officially founded in 1596 by the Union of Brest and hence referred to as 'Uniate'. It describes itself as "Orthodox in union with the See of Rome". Today its adherents constitute about 15% of the Ukraine's population. Most of them live in the west of the country, including the city of Lviv.

It is significant that during the German military occupation of the Ukraine, as in the case of the Vatican's complicity with Hitler in Croatia, the UGCC was initially prominent in co-operating with the Nazis, citing hopes of independence from the Soviet Union and past maltreatment by Soviet authorities. Today the pretence is still independence, and even though the circumstances have changed, the parallel is obvious.

The memory of Nazi atrocities in the Ukraine

Hitler's Drang nach Osten (Drive to the East) did not stop in Poland: the Ukraine was also singled out for settlement by Aryans. In preparation, the Nazis burned, shot, starved and worked to death three million Ukrainian Christians and shipped 2.4 million more Ukrainians to Germany as forced labour.

Hitler's henchman Erich Koch was appointed Reichskommisar to administer the Ukraine. He notoriously boasted that he had been chosen because of his reputation as "a brutal dog".8 At his inauguration in September 1941 he told his men that he expected the "utmost severity" from them in their task to "suck from the Ukraine all the goods we can grab, without consideration of the feelings or the property of the Ukrainians". He razed hundreds of Ukrainian and Belarus villages to the ground and murdered 8,000 Ukrainian children in the Laniv death camp.9

His war crimes in the Ukraine were never punished, but he was sentenced to death by a Polish court in 1959 for killing 400,000 Poles and sending about 200,000 others to labour camps. When the Red Army recaptured the Ukraine in 1944, Koch fled to East Prussia and hid from the Allied Forces until his capture by the British Army in 1949. The Soviet Union demanded his extradition, but the British government decided to deliver him to the Polish government instead. At his trial in Warsaw in 1958 he was found guilty for the deaths of 400,000 Poles and sentenced to death in 1959. Because of ill health this was commuted to life imprisonment and he died in prison in 1986.

Hence it is easy to understand why Russia, and those Ukrainians who favour their country's continuing partnership with Russia, fear the consequences of a German-inspired EU policy in which they rightly see a repetition of the Drang nach Osten, especially at a time in history when Germany is being encouraged to shed its sense of guilt for the past and become more active in world affairs. As British philosopher F. H. Bradley once said: "True penitence condemns to silence. What a man is ready to recall he would be willing to repeat."10

German-inspired EU foreign policy

Theo Sommer, longtime Editor at Large of the German weekly Die Zeit and an influential publicist and former Head of the German Defence Ministry's Planning Staff, criticises the EU Association Agreements, one of which is provoking the unrest in Kiev because it it supposed to be signed by the Ukraine, as "reeking of expansive ambitions". He warns that the power struggle over Kiev, bombastically presented to the Western public as a struggle for "self-determination", is "in reality" nothing more than a "big geopolitical game".11 The German Foreign Policy website comments that Sommer's reference to 'geopolitics' brings to mind Germany's more than a century old power struggle over the Ukraine, "a country 'interposed' between the two poles of power, Berlin and Moscow, in the course of Berlin's ongoing eastward expansion".12

Ukrainians well remember how, in the aftermath of the October Revolution, exploiting Russia's weakness, the German Reich succeeded for a short time in incorporating the Ukraine into its hegemonic sphere, but in the following decades a defeated Germany still continued its power struggle against Moscow, pursuing its plans until Ukrainian Nazi collaborators led by the fascist Stepan Bandera invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 with the German Army. In the western Ukraine today, where the trouble is being instigated, this Nazi thug Bandera is still seen as a national hero.

Sommer warns that German ambitions remain unchanged: "Following Germany's defeat in WWI, German strategists continued to pursue their efforts and the objective is being sought by the Federal Republic of Germany still today."13

Rodney Atkinson has exposed the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, amongst others, as "part of the basic political organisation of such expansionary German policy abroad, [...] accused of subversive activities in several countries."14 Edward Spalton has pointed out that Ukrainian Opposition Leader Vitali Klitschko, who manned the barricades of the protesters, is essentially "a German puppet and long-time client of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which is a subsidiary of Merkel's CDU Party", and that the German Government "uses such organisations as deniable agents of government policy all over the world". Russia's State Duma Speaker, Sergey Naryshkin, has angrily accused Germany of "the old psychology".15

They have been supported by EU and US politicians, including Senator John McCain, who have actively taken part in the Kiev demonstrations, illegally interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign foreign state. The UK's Baroness Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, has accentuated the dispute by "muddling and meddling",16 as the Russian media put it, together with other EU MEPs and US Assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland.

Spearheaded by the Ukrainian Jesuit-schooled Pope Francis

The English edition of the Kiev Post recently issued the following warning about the Vatican source of current unrest, citing the methodical development of the attack on the Ukraine:

"Having watched as the Polish Pope, John Paul II, helped end the communist empire in Europe, Moscow must now cope with a new reality: [...] it must recognise that in Pope Francis I we have a Ukrainian Pope, someone whose ideas could threaten Russian interests in a new way."

After Wojtyla's success in wresting Poland from the Russian fold, who better indeed than Francis to extend the vision further eastwards? This first Jesuit Pope, by his real name Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is not a 'Ukrainian Pope' in the ethnic sense, but spiritually he certainly is. Not only is he as the Chief of Jesuits the ideal leader to advance the plans of the Jesuits who have hitherto run the EU, including Van Rompuy, Barroso, Draghi, Monti and a number of their assistants, but Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), informs us that Francis is steeped in the rite and rituals of that Church and very significantly had a Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest as his mentor.

Shevchuk himself had previously served in Buenos Aires, where he met the future Pope. Many in the UGCC hope that Francis will elevate it from its current status as a Patriarchate to a Major Arch-Episcopate, thus bringing it even closer to Rome. It is widely acknowledged that the strong influence exerted by Shevchuk gave Francis a special affinity with the UGCC, which he is undoubtedly manipulating ecumenically to extend the Vatican's sphere of influence further east towards the very borders of Russia itself. The Jesuits trained many Ukrainian churchmen, and their activities have long been viewed with suspicion by the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian State.

The Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has appealed to the International Court of Human Rights asking it "to condemn the crime of staging a coup in Ukraine committed by the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) Msgr. Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Cardinal Lubomir Husar and Msgr. Boris Gudzyak". These three hierarchs of the UGCG, says the letter, "not only supported the opposition parties [...] in Ukraine but directly organized the coup".

Putin proved right yet again

Vladimir Putin has accused European leaders of stoking a revolution in the Ukraine through their efforts to encourage the country to sign the free-trade deal with the European Economic Area (EEA): "We have heard threats from our European partners toward Ukraine, up to and including promoting the holding of mass protests. [...] This is pressure and this is blackmail." The interference was echoed by Russia's Ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov: "An analogy with a steam roller would be appropriate. The European Union was mostly giving orders to Ukraine: what it should do, which laws it should pass, which reforms to conduct, whom from where to release."

EU interference is a concealed attack on Russia, whose power and influence would be diminished without the Ukraine. In particular, Russia needs to protect its military and financial interests, which include its Black Sea naval bases and transnational gas pipelines. The toppling of the Lenin statue in Kiev has been seen as a deliberate symbolical act of such hatred. The EU wants the Ukraine to join so that it can be looted, like Latvia, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, the Irish Republic, and Portugal; the US wants Ukraine to join so that it can become a location for more of Washington's missile bases against Russia.

Moreover, the Ukraine's constitution proclaims the country's neutrality, which precludes NATO membership. Before the air strikes against Serbia, the Ukrainian government did not believe that NATO was a potential source of aggression against the Ukraine; but afterwards its attitude changed radically when NATO was revealed in its true colours.

In any case it defies belief that the Ukraine would want to give in to blackmail and board the EU's sinking Titanic. It doing so it would not only abandon its natural historical ties with its former Soviet allies, but also be subject to subsequent tariffs and trade checks by Moscow. At a conference in Yalta Russian presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev exposed the so-called benefits of a planned treaty as pure "mythology", for which the bankrupt EU could not pay, and warned that the cost to the Ukraine would amount to 25 or even 35 billion Euros and result in a default. The country's expectations of EU membership are not mirrored by the EU, which declined to give it any membership perspective in the EEA agreement by stipulating that "this agreement shall not prejudge any possible future developments in EU-Ukraine relations".

Reminiscences of Hitler's annexation of Austria

Ousted Ukrainian President Yanukovych blasted foreign diplomats for attempting to interfere in his country's politics and has drawn a significant parallel to what happened in Austria in the late 1930s. Rounding on the collaborators in his own own country, he said that what Hitler failed to achieve when Chancellor Dollfuss refused to sign away Austria's independence (for which he paid with his life), Austrian Nazis, like their counterparts in Kiev today, organised a movement of local supporters and continued their rebellion, demanding accession to Germany. Hitler forced the new Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg to grant an amnesty to all Austrian Nazis, just as the Ukrainian Government has granted an amnesty to the protesters; but when a plebiscite on preserving Austria's independence failed, Schnuschnigg was forced to hand over power to Seyss-Inquart, an Austrian National Socialist official who served as Austrian Chancellor for only two days in 1938 before he called for German troops to merge Austria with Nazi Germany in the forced Anschluss (Annexation).

The so-called "popular movement in support of accession to Germany", writes Yanukovych, is "exactly the same" as what is happening in camouflaged form on the streets of Kiev today with demands for "European integration". The "streets of the capital of a sovereign country" are coming "under the banner of the fighting column of another State [the EU]" which is carrying out "an act of aggression against another country".

Let us hope and pray that the Urkaine's discovery and wise rejection of the EU's trickery will not progress towards further parallels with the Dollfuss affair.

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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey