Fed Up

Do you ever get to the point where you are just fed up with the way that things are headed? There are times when it seems as if we are all stuck in some kind of horrific nightmare that we can't wake up from. Day after day we get the privilege of watching our esteemed leaders down in Washington D.C. wreck the U.S. economy, push us towards socialism and globalism, and slowly erode our constitutional freedoms. Day after day we get the privilege of watching corruption and greed run wild down on Wall Street. Day after day those of us who are awake to what is going on find ourselves increasingly frustrated with the vast majority of Americans who are either too dazed, too drugged or too asleep to even care that the great nation that their forefathers built is in the process of crumbling all around them. Not that there aren't some promising signs out there. Certainly Rand Paul's recent victory in Kentucky shows that the American people are not automatically going to vote for the candidates backed by the establishment anymore.

But it seems like every piece of good news these days is accompanied by a dozen news stories that are so bad that they make you want to scream. It is incredibly frustrating that tens of millions of Americans who bust their backs working incredibly long hours, who try to do what is right, and who truly do love their country are going to pay the price for the errors of a bunch of idiots down in Washington D.C. and New York. The America that so many of us grew up in love with (the once great Republic with the greatest free enterprise system in the world) is being strangled out of existence by a horde of globalists, socialists and elitists. Well, there are millions of us who are fed up. I am fed up. So today you are going to get an "editorial". Actually what you are going to get is an old-fashioned rant. But the truth is that we live during times when ranting is appropriate. Feel free to express your agreement or disagreement with the various things I am going to rant about below. Hopefully if enough people start talking about these things, the American people will wake up and start taking their country back.

So exactly what am I fed up about?

I'm fed up with politicians in Washington D.C. who prance around and talk about what a good job they are doing while they pile up the biggest debt in the history of the world. We are stealing trillions of dollars from future generations, and if they get the chance they will curse us for the horrific debt that we have left them.

I'm fed up with an unelected, privately-owned central bank issuing and controlling the currency of the United States. Nobody but the U.S. government should be issuing U.S. dollars. The reality is that the Federal Reserve is about as "federal" as Federal Express is, and the international bankers have used it for decades to transfer the wealth of the nation into their own pockets.

I'm fed up with being told that the money I have worked so hard to earn needs to be "redistributed" to people who wouldn't know a hard day of work if it came up and bit them on the rear.

I'm fed up with Tea Party activists who believe in the Constitution and who desperately want to see a return to the ideals that the American republic was founded upon being labeled as "extremists" by the media while those who are pushing a socialism and globalism on America are referred to as "centrist" and "mainstream".

I'm fed up with anyone who suggests that it is a good idea for the government to get to look at an image of our naked bodies before we are allowed to get on an airplane.

I'm fed up with hearing that there are banks that are "too big to fail" and that it is necessary for tax money taken from me to be used to bail them out.

I'm fed up with a financial system that is so rigged that four of the biggest U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup) can have a "perfect quarter" with zero days of trading losses during the first quarter of 2010.

I'm fed up with a financial system where the Dow can plunge nearly 1000 points in a single hour and nobody can seem to be able to figure out what happened.

I'm fed up with being told that I need to reduce my "carbon footprint" when carbon dioxide does not cause global warming and over 95% of total carbon dioxide emissions would occur even if humans were not present on Earth.

I'm fed up with people telling me that we should be glad to pay all the new taxes in the "health care reform" law because socialized medicine is such a good idea.

I'm fed up with the open manipulation of the gold and silver markets right under the noses of the federal government.

I'm fed up with politicians that spend money in order to get votes without any concern for the financial future of this nation whatsoever.

I'm fed up with a government that can protect the South Korean border so well that not a single person gets through illegally for decades, and yet has done such a bad job of protecting our own border that Phoenix, Arizona has become the car theft capital of the world.

I'm fed up with a government that is so embarrassed by the recent anti-illegal immigration law passed in Arizona that they apologize to the communist Chinese for it.

I'm fed up with yuppies who went out and bought McMansions that they could not possibly afford whining and crying now that they are losing their houses.

I'm fed up with politicians shipping our manufacturing base to the third world and then pretending that it is our fault when we can't get jobs.

I'm fed up with people telling me how wonderful "free trade" and "the global economy" are while our once great manufacturing cities such as Detroit turn into rusted-out war zones.

I'm fed up with international organizations such as the IMF and the WHO telling us that they want the American people to start paying global taxes.

I'm fed up with politicians being treated like celebrities and rock stars when they are actually leading American right into the toilet.

I'm fed up with a president and a Congress that are rapidly dismantling the strategic nuclear arsenal that has helped keep America safe for decades.

I'm fed up with politicians who run over to China and beg them to keep buying even more of our debt.

I'm fed up with the United Nations and members of the U.S. government claiming that there are far too many people in the world and that we need to promote population control measures all over the globe.

I'm fed up with a Supreme Court that has absolutely no respect at all for the personal property rights of ordinary Americans.

I'm fed up with a government that insists that freakishly-altered genetically modified crops are good for us, and that allows companies like Monsanto to ruthlessly push these "Frankenfoods" on to dinner tables all across the United States.

I'm fed up with a public that is far more interested in the death of Michael Jackson and in what is going on with Jon & Kate than in the absolutely crucial economic and political issues that directly affect them and their families.

I'm fed up with a government that is so incompetent when it comes to foreign policy that Russia and China are literally running circles around them.

I'm fed up with a government that allows nearly a million innocent babies to be killed year in and year out.

I'm fed up with watching Wall Street bankers rake in record-setting bonuses while nearly 40 million Americans are on food stamps.

I'm fed up with a national debt that is impossible to pay off, a dollar that has lost over 95 percent of its value since the Federal Reserve was created and a financial system that is designed to fail.

Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov