Man is a Universe in Himself

In these lines we shall discuss peace and impact of peace on our society, individual and collective lives.

First we should understand what peace means and stands for. Peace means rest and calm in mental, spiritual, physical and materialistic grounds.

On the one hand peace is a mental state of mind and on the other hand it also affects us in outer world.

Lets discuss all mental, spiritual, physical and other aspects of peace.

First we talk about mental peace. This means we are in rest and satisfied with our mental health. We can understand ourselves and others easily. If we can solve our mental problems and can face any kind of problems e.g. depression, anxiety, restlessness etc. This means we are mentally strong and healthy. On the other hand if we feel fear, grief, anxiety, depression etc, this means that we are restless, displeased and dissatisfied with our self and with other people.

On spiritual grounds, if we are in rest and satisfied with our inner self, this means we are healthy and satisfied spiritually. According to the philosophers and thinkers man is a universe in himself. There is a smaller universe in man. If we discover that very universe in our self we shall be a successful person. Certainly there is a full universe in our inner self. Our heart and mind are like sun and moon in our inner world.

If there is a positive relationship between our heart and mind, then we are in peace and rest in this world as well as in hereafter. On the other hand if there is negative relationship between our heart and mind then we shall be restless and dissatisfied with our self and with others.

There is also relationship between our inner world and outer world. If we make and keep this relationship positive and balanced, we shall be in rest and peace with our self and with outer world. On the other hand if we are unable to keep this relationship positive and balanced, we shall be restless and dissatisfied with our self and with outer world.

Now we discuss peace in physical form. If we are healthy, strong, muscular and our body is fit, this means that we are in peace physically. On the other hand if we are ill and sick or have any other disease like flue, cholera, tuber close-set etc. This means that we are not in peace and rest.

Now we discuss peace in our society. If people who are living around us are in rest, honest, truthful, sincere, pious, gentle and sympathetic. They do not harm each other. They respect each other. Then society will be in rest and peace. On the other hand if people do not have respect, love and sympathy for each other. There will be rows, conflicts, thefts, lies, murders, corruption, dishonesty, quarrels and worries in the society. Then society will be restless and displeased collectively.

If a teacher goes to school regularly and teaches his students industriously and performs his duties honestly, he will be in rest and peace. On the other hand if a teacher does not go to school regularly and does not teach in the class and does not perform his duties honestly, then he will be restless and dissatisfied with his work and profession.

Now let us take the international peace and harmony among different nations. If all the nations in the world are satisfied and happy with each other, then they will live in this world with rest and peace. On the other hand if all the nations in the world are dissatisfied and unhappy with each other, then they will be restless and dissatisfied with each other.

God Almighty also emphasizes on peace and harmony in the world. He wants that His creations live in peace and love in this world and in hereafter also. Creation is family of God Almighty. In order to keep them on right and straight path God Almighty sent His prophets and messengers (peace be upon them). God also revealed His books explaining the way of life on earth. His holy books and holy prophets and messengers (peace be upon them ) guided the people to the right and straight path.

Creation of universe is totally on love and peace. God Almighty allows only good and rejects evil. On the Judgment Day all our deeds good and bad will be weighted. If our good deeds are heavier than the bad we will go to paradise. On the other hand if our bad deeds become heavier than the goods than we will go to hellfire. People living in paradise will be free of fear and grief forever. This is the real success. There will be no death at all. They will live in rest and peace eternally. They will have pleasure of God Almighty.

On the whole peace is pleasure of God Almighty in this world as well as in hereafter.

By Rajab Ali Baig

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov