The Far Left and Right of Things

By Babu G. Ranganathan

Although I am morally conservative and Christian and although I disagree with President Obama on certain issues, I do believe, that compared to many other politicians, President Obama is reasonable, honest, and a man of integrity who listens to both sides and tries to find as much common ground as he can to work within his agenda. He's firm when and where it's necessary (like in the fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda), and he's flexible where he should and needs to be

The far left and far right can't see anything right with each other's side and that's a very big problem for our nation. The far right, most recently, has been vitriolic towards and twisting of everything President Obama says. Just because they're right on pro-life doesn't mean that everything the far right says and does is right.

According to the Bible, murder is when you kill someone with malice. That is the definition in the Old Testament for murder. Jesus, in the New Testament, says that hating your fellow man is equivalent to murder in God's eyes. Hatred then is malice. What Jesus said about hatred defines the Old Testament meaning of malice.

Many who support the right to abortion do so not because of malice towards the unborn but because they do not wish to see an unwanted or severely deformed child enter the world. That doesn't make abortion moral or right, but are we correct in labeling all abortion rights people as being murderers.

President Obama genuinely wants to see less abortions even though he won't go as far as making abortions illegal. The far right calls him a liar. I don't believe he is a liar, although I believe he is wrong in not legally opposing abortion on demand. I believe that the unborn's right to life outweighs a woman's right of privacy. But, I will work with President Obama where I can work with him and show him due respect.

What about the many racists in our society? Aren't they murderers according to Christ's definition of hating your fellow man as being murder. Our nation's economic foundation was built on the back of African slaves. Then, after slavery, there was segregation of blacks and whites, all of this based on hatred and contempt of other fellow human beings because of differences in physical features. All this was "murder" in God's eyes and many in the far right continue to perpetuate racial hatred (yes, murder) to this very day.

The far right wants no controls and regulations on the economy, and that's what got us in the mess we're in. Without legitimate controls and regulations the greedy in our financial world were able to amass fortunes through their dishonesty and would have totally destroyed all our lives if not for government intervention into the banking system. The far right still has no problems with corporate greed. Greed, in the Bible, is idolatry! Corporate greed not only doesn't care about our environment but destroys lives of individuals as surely as abortion.

Socialism is not anti-capitalism. Many nations are socialist and capitalist, including the great modern industrialized Scandinavian nations of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Socialism simply means that there will be government controls on capitalism for the safety and benefit of society. We already had socialism in our country long before Obama. What do you think medicare and social security are?

The far right and corporations, through their lobbying power, are still resisting President Obama's efforts to put controls and regulations in our financial institutions that would prevent another major financial meltdown. When are we going to learn?

As much as possible, let us all work together. May God help us!

The author, Babu G. Ranganathan, has his bachelor's degree with concentrations in theology and biology and has been recognized for his writings on religion and science in the 24th edition of Marquis "Who's Who In The East". The author's website may be accessed at

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