Why will you hate?

by Babu G. Ranganathan

Who gave you the right to hate someone else because of how they look? God is the Creator and He has commanded us to love one another even as we love and respect ourselves. If God hasn’t given you the right to hate another human being because of how they look then you better suck in that spit, my friend, or otherwise you will have to answer to Him.

What’s that now? You think that God some races ugly and that’s why it’s okay to hate them. Well, they may differ with you on whether they’re ugly, but, hey, why limit it to races. What if you have an ugly sister or brother in your own family, in your own race, and someone hated them because of how they look. Does that make it alright? If you think you’re so pretty then give God the glory and credit! You certainly didn’t do anything to deserve being born pretty. In fact, we all deserve just the opposite – to be born ugly because we’re all sinners in the sight of an infinitely holy God. We’ve all sinned in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

You know, God is always in the testing business. He did it with Adam and Eve, our first parents. What if God made some people ugly to test you? That’s right. What if God wanted to test you to see if you would obey His command to love your neighbor even if he or she is ugly. God created all humans in His image even though that image in us is marred because of sin. God is testing you to see if you’ll put the worth of His image in others above what they look like.

And you thought all this time that God made you pretty and some others ugly so that you could feel superior to them.

Here’s what God has done for you and me, my friend!

The God of creation has made Himself known in the Person of His eternal and only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the Lord Jesus lived a sinless life on earth and that He died and shed His blood on the Cross to pay for our sins. He took the blame for our sins!

When Christ died on the Cross He took the punishment from the God the Father that we deserve for our sins. Just as a co-signer to a loan takes upon himself the moral and legal responsibility to pay the debt on the loan should the borrower default, Jesus Christ, by prior arrangement with God the Father, took the moral and legal responsibility to pay for the sins of mankind.

Because Christ paid the full penalty for our sins through His suffering and death, God the Father can be just in forgiving us of our sins when we genuinely repent and put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone to save us. God the Father raised His Son Jesus Christ from the dead as proof that He was fully satisfied with what the Lord Jesus did for us on the Cross.

And, now God's promise of eternal life becomes reality to those who are in Christ.

The Ten Commandments cannot save us because no one can perfectly fulfill them in thought, word, and deed. The first commandment alone, and the most important one, tells us to love God with all our soul, heart, mind, and strength.

If the Ten Commandments could save us then there was no need for God to send His Son to the Cross to pay for our sins. The Ten Commandments are good but we are not good. The problem is not with the commandments. The problem is with our sinful hearts.

The Ten Commandments were given to show us our utter inability to save ourselves. God wants us to follow the Ten Commandments out of love for Him not so that we can earn our salvation for earning our salvation is impossible.

To find out more, read the Holy Bible. I recommend that you begin by reading the Gospel of John in the New Testament. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16, KJV). May God bless you!

The author, Babu G. Ranganathan, has his bachelor's degree with concentrations in theology and biology and has been recognized for his writings on religion and science in the 24th edition of Marquis "Who's Who In The East". The author's articles may be accessed here.

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Author`s name Alex Naumov