Russian Mobile Hospital Delivered To Kabul Airport

In the early hours of Thursday, a Russian Il-76 transport aircraft delivered a mobile hospital to the Bagram airport located 20 km East of the Afghan capital. The hospital will operate as a part of the Russian humanitarian mission in Kabul. During the first stage of deployment, the hospital will be able to receive 30 patients and provide out-patient treatment to the Afghan population. According to the press service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, two more Il-76 aircraft will land in Bagram within the next few hours. They will deliver 38 tons of food stuffs, 300 kg of medicines, two KamAZ trucks and two UAZ all-terrain vehicles. Medics who will be working in the aforementioned hospital and 46 experts from the Emergencies Ministry will also arrive in Afghanistan aboard this aircraft. The press service added that the purpose of the humanitarian base is to secure the delivery and distribution of Russian and international humanitarian aid to the Afghan people. The staff of the base is approximately 200 people: experts of the Emergencies Ministry, security and medics. The works to deploy the base were launched in Kabul on Wednesday. Speaking about the progress of providing humanitarian aid to the Afghan people within the joint international operation, which is conducted with the participation of the UN World Food Programme (WFP,) Great Britain, Kirgizia, Russia and Tajikistan, Emergencies Ministry's officials stated that almost 2,000 tons of flour from WFP warehouses in the Kirgiz town of Osh to the Afghan town of Faizabad. Another four vehicle convoys with 650 tons of flour are currently travelling to Faizabad, four convoys are returning from Afghanistan to Osh.

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