Dmitry Litvinovich: Washington prepared a cold shower for Sharon and probably for itself

The Bush administration’s foreign policy is similar to a weather-wane whose movements depend on a wind. The analyzers were right who said internal policy is Mr Bush’s hobby horse, while he is not competent in foreign policy. This is confirmed by the Arab-Israeli crisis and the ABM treaty. As for the treaty, from which Washington wants to withdraw, this has been commented on enough. While the Arab-Israeli conflict is a completely other thing.

In the US, 60 Israelis have been detained suspected of espionage and of the possible concealment of information about 11 September terrorist acts.

According to RIA ‘Novosti’, referring to Fox TV company, the Israelis were recently detained and some of them were “active agents of Israeli intelligence services." Several of the Israelis could not pass a lie detector test when they were asked about intelligence activities on US territory.

According to Fox, US authorities suspect that the Israelis probably gathered information about the 11 September terrorist acts before they were carried out; however, they did not hand over these data to the US. Already before the terrorist acts, 140 Israeli citizens were detained suspected of anti-US intelligence activities. Though, there is nothing extraordinary in this fact. Secret services have always spied on one another, including their own allies. From time to time, spies are caught and expelled from the country. Such a situation seems to occur now.

Washington seems to have underestimated his Near-Eastern ally and should pay for it. The Bush administration was sure it would be enough just to threaten Israel with the withdraw of the US from the peace negotiations unless Israel stops its assault on Palestine. However, the US was wrong.

The “hawk” does not want to stop. The peace-keeping efforts of the USA is not helping, as the conflict is flaring up. US authority is reducing, while the Arab countries seriously discuss the question about military assistance to Arafat. Moreover, Europe seems to support the Nobel Prize laureate.

Therfore, a plan was created to cool the Israeli prime-minister’s blaze. Some information was leaked to the press, and reporters usually know what to do. Later, some facts about possible terrorist acts in Los Angeles were added.

According to RIA ‘Novosti’, some details of the arrest of “Jews Defence League” chairman Irv Rubin and this organization’s member Earl Krueger became known. They are accused of preparing terrorist acts against the King Fath Mosque in Los Angeles and congressman Darrel Issa’s office. According to Fox, Rubin and Krueger were arrested Tuesday evening after bringing explosives in Krueger’s house. The explosives were brought by another member of the league who seems to be the US authorities’ informer. The suspects’ lawyers categorically deny all the accusations against their clients. Krueger’s wife said to journalists that US authorities were carrying out “witch hunt” against Jews. If so, Bush’s steps are really bold, especially taking into consideration that US Jews have upon the American economy.

Dmitry Litvinovich PRAVDA.Ru

Translated by Vera Solovieva

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