Afghan Embassy In Russia Confirms Northern Alliance Offensive

Having seized Mazar-i-Sharif, United Front forces are ousting Taliban from the country's northern, western, and eastern districts, according to Ghairat Sakhi, First Secretary of the Afghan embassy to Moscow. "Nevertheless, he said, Taliban are resisting vigorously to every move of the anti-Taliban forces." The United Front has achieved success in the Takhar and Kunduz directions. The districts of Argi and Imam Seud on the Amudarya river have been seized, along with the provinces of Jowzjan, Zabul, Samangan, Faryab, Uruzgan, Balkh, and the cities of Sari-Pul and Khairaton, according to Ghairat. "Indeed, General Dustum's units, which are part of the United Front, are moving to the west of Badghis province to join the units of general Ismail Khan and assault the province capital Kalaji Nau. Later the United Front forces are going to launch an offensive on Herat." The offensive is so far being conducted in the northeast and west of the country, noted Ghairat Sakhi, and there is no plan to capture Kabul."

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