Daddy’s girl hires two boys to slay her mother for 500 dollars

A ninth-grader girl Dasha (investigation requested all names in the story be changed) regularly quarreled with her too austere parents who did not let her date boys and go to discos. The girl absolutely disregarded the parents’ protests and did where she liked. Each time she got back home late she had a quarrel with the mother and step-father.

One day, the girl felt sick of the parents’ preaching. She packed all of her things and said she would leave home and stay at her boy’s place. The mother said: "Over my dead body only!" The girl decided that her mother's words could be carried into effect perfectly well.

The girl left her home and stayed not with her boy-friend as she promised, but with a female friend who gave her refuge. The girls enjoyed their adult life with no parents’ reprimands and control.

Their boyfriends, ninth-grader Pasha Kulikov and a technical school student Sergey Doronin often visited the girls. Dasha realized that sooner or later she would still have to get back home and complained that she would not go there as she wanted no more scandals. She pronounced revengefully: "Mom said that just over her dead body I would have a chance to do what I want, and she will get the dead body!" The girl who was a pupil of an Orthodox school told the boys that she would pay them 15,000 rubles (a bit more than $500) if they help her get rid of her parents. The boys doubted that Dasha had the sum but the girl explained that she would take the money from her mother’s bank deposit as soon as she dies.

The ‘killers’ fixed the day of their crime - the evening of January 24. A source at the law enforcement agencies said that the girl’s step-father was late from his job which saved his life. The mother, Irina, came back home from work at her usual time. The woman just unlocked the door and took her coat off when the boys attacked her. They were waiting for the woman in the apartment together with Dasha. The two weak boys could not cope with the adult woman at once. They pushed Irina into a room, stabbed her several times with a knife and finally cut her throat. The killers decided not to wait when the step-father comes and escaped the crime scene.

The young killers were detained next day as Dasha immediately named the boys to the police. The girl was staying in her room all the time when the boys were slaughtering her mother. She saw the mother’s mutilated body only when her step-father came back home from work and called the police. The girl writhed in hysterics and named the killers.

Pupils at Pasha’s school said that the police detained him right in the class and still cannot understand how the quiet boy could at all commit such a cruel crime. Director of the technical school where Sergey studied never expected that the young man was capable of such evil doings. Both teachers and pupils of at the Orthodox school where Dasha studied were shocked with the girl’s sin against her mother. The teachers add that the girl never did evil things before.

Neighbors of the apartment building where the family lived in the city of Barnaul were also deeply shocked with the crime that the girl organized against her mother. The family moved in the new apartment just about four months before the tragedy occurred. Irina was a housewife and the step-father worked at a construction company. People next door said that the family did not have problems with either alcohol or money. They just quarreled noisily too often and then soon made it up. One of the neighbors heard a woman crying in the family’s apartment the day when the crime was committed. The noise could be heard for five minutes. A neighbor decided that it was one of the family’s quarrels and did not call the police.

For the time being, the two juvenile killers and Dasha are being held at a detention center. The step-father of the girl cannot be reached for any comments. Nobody including investigators can present any clear motive of the terrible crime.

Criminal psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov says that it is not a new incident when teenagers reveal this shocking cruelty. Moreover, it seems to be a tendency now. There are children who are absolutely mentally healthy but still hate their parents, often escape from homes and even contract killers to get rid of their parents. The same sometimes occurred in the past years too but not that often as it happens today. In the Soviet epoch, there were no mercantile disputes about parents and children, as people were not proprietors of apartments where they lived and just a few people owned. Now when families own apartments, autos, money and jewelry children want to remove their parents to seize these 'riches.'

Not only teenagers grow crueler; the whole of the society turns out to be demoralized. Now when movies and computer games popularize killings the society often takes it as a norm. Teenagers are in fact particularly susceptive to cruelty. The way teenagers interpret killings absolutely differs from that of adults. They do not realize what they are committing. 

Komsomolskaya Pravda

Translated by Maria Gousseva

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov