NATO and KLA Terrorists Have Small Lovers’ Quarrel Over Weapons

NATO and KLA Terrorists Have Small Lovers’ Quarrel Over Weapons

The Kosovo Security Force (KSF), the pretentious modern and revised name of the KLA, and the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR) have restored relations, a day after members of the security force showed their weapons in public. Kosovo Security Force (KSF) members took part in a March 5 ceremony celebrating the terrorist group which fought the Serbian army and police, as well as unarmed civilians, in the 1990s. The KLA has maintained that they will never allow themselves to be disarmed, as violence, burnings, rapes, beatings, terrorism and ethnic cleansing continue unabated in the renegade Serbian province that was commandeered by Albanian drug and people trafficking mafiosos.

KFOR then suspended "support, mentoring and training of the KSF until further notice" and asked Kosovo authorities for a "satisfactory explanation of the incident, appropriate remedial action and assurances that there will be no repeat of such actions."

"This is inconsistent with the non-military status of the KSF," it said.

Later, in continued violation of UN Resolution 1244, an announcement was made that they were ready to kiss and make up: 'We hereby assess as overcome' the issue of KSF's participation at Sunday's ceremony, Kosovo's Security Forces Ministry said in a statement. 'The KSF will continue the close cooperation with KFOR and NATO.'

In 1999 NATO intervened against Serbia's anti-terrorist measures, ousting its forces from Kosovo. After years of United Nations administration, the Albanian mafia government illegally declared independence in February 2008. The US and NATO provided finances, weaponry, and finally direct military aid by bombing Serbia for 78 days in 1999. As of January 2008, NATO maintains its presence in Kosovo while the US and other Western states recognize Kosovo as an independent Albanian Muslim mafia state ruled by the KLA. This will allow NATO to maintain its bases in Kosovo permanently. Unless, of course, the Albanian Islamists turn on them like the Afghan Islamists did with 9-11.

Members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were supposed to disarm according to terms laid out in UN Resolution 1244 and the June 20 agreement between NATO and the KLA. The dismantling of the KLA requires that soldiers cease wearing uniforms or any other KLA insignia and turn in their weapons to be stored under KFOR control. The agreement also envisions that the guerrilla army transform itself into a political entity.

Paragraph 15 of UN Resolution 1244 reads: "Demands that the KLA and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups end immediately all offensive actions and comply with the requirements for demilitarization as laid down by the head of the international security presence in consultation with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General"

* "[The United Nations Security Council] condemns all terrorist acts by any party [and reaffirms] the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act...

* "[The UN and the security forces operating under its jurisdiction in Kosovo will see to the] demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups." ( )

In his syndicated column for August 12, 1998, retired U.S. Army Colonel Harry G. Summers wrote that in Bosnia and Kosovo "we find ourselves championing the very Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups who are our mortal enemies elsewhere."

Ben Works, military affairs analyst and director of the Strategic Research Institute reports, "There's no doubt that bin Laden's people have been in Kosovo helping to arm, equip, and train the KLA," Works declared. "Bin Laden's the monster du jour, and here we are coming to the aid of his allies in the Balkans. There is a monster being created here, but in important ways it's a monster of our own making. Hardly a day goes by withouta terrorism alert at some U.S. embassy that has been targeted by bin Laden's people, and the Administration's policy in Kosovo is to help bin Laden, through the KLA, extend his reach in Europe. It almost seems as if the Clinton Administration's policy is to guarantee more terrorism." This policy has continued with each successive administration since Clinton.

The KLA, classified by both Serbia and by the CIA as an illegal terrorist organization, is very much Islamist and extremist in nature. Following the Afghan mujahedeen example, KLA fighters engaged in a protracted terrorist operation in the late 1990’s. As Chris Marsden explains, the KLA “had pursued a strategy of destabilising the Serbian province of Kosovo by acts of terrorism, in the hope that the US and NATO would intervene. They ambushed Serb patrols and killed policemen.”

Sitting in a café on April 22, 1996, Blagoje Okulic, a Serb refugee from Croatia, was with a friend when a masked member of the KLA opened fire on the customers with an automatic weapon. Okulic died in the hospital. He was the first victim of the KLA. There were house bombings, homes burned. On a daily basis, police on duty were attacked and murdered. Ethnic Albanians who managed to get along with their neighbors were attacked and murdered as traitors. The Pristina University School of Languages was bombed in March 1997. Graves, monuments, churches and schools vandalized, looted, desecrated or burned. Nuns raped.

On the night of Jan. 22/23. 1998, on the road Srbica-Klina near the village of Josanica, Desimir Vasic, a deputy in the Municipal Assembly of Zvecan was shot and killed. On the same road, the same night, near the village Lausa Blagoje Nikolivc from the village of Drsnik near Klina was severely beaten until he became unconscious. During the same night, KLA terrorists stopped, harassed, and threatened with death a group of Serbian women heading to Monastery Devic.

Terrorism is not the only thing the KLA is notorious for. In 1994, when the terrorist KLA group was still in its larval stage, France's Observatire Geopolitique Des Drogues, a counter-narcotics bureau attached to the European Commission, reported that "heroin shipment and marketing networks are taking root among ethnic Albanian communities in Albania, Macedonia, and the Kosovo province of Serbia, in order to finance large purchases of weapons destined for the brewing war in Kosovo."

"Here and in a half-dozen other Western countries," declared Pascal Auchlin, a criminologist with Switzerland's National Center for Scientific Research, "there is now an ant's trail of individual drug traffickers that leads right to Kosovo." In 1995, nearly 500 Kosovo Albanians were in Swiss prisons on drug-related charges, and more than 1,000 others were under indictment. That’s only Switzerland, the traffickers are notorious all throughout Europe.

Criminologist Gus Xhudo wrote in the Spring 1996 issue of Transnational Organized Crime, Albanian mobsters have been involved in "drug and refugee smuggling, arms trafficking, contract killing, kidnapping, false visa forgery, and burglary." Between 1985 and 1995, Xhudo continues, "authorities estimated that 10 million U.S. dollars in cash and merchandise had been stolen from some 300 supermarkets, ATM machines, jewelry stores, and restaurants" by Albanian gangsters, a healthy cut of which was sent to fund "Greater Albanian" ambitions.

One wonders just how long the NATO love affair with terrorists is going to last. Despite repeated assertions from NATO that the war against Yugoslavia was intended to contain ethnic conflict, the alliance with the KLA has effectively guaranteed that the conflict will spread throughout the Balkans and beyond, indeed it already has.

The NATO occupier/aggressor has failed to keep all agreements regarding Kosovo and has repeatedly violated international law in its handling of the situation. One has to regard with amusement their claims to be fighting “terrorism” in Iraq and Afghanistan.



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Author`s name Oksana Orlovskaya