Woman without legs finds her missing part

Life has taught Lyubov Muravyova to cope with every difficulty just with her hands. The 28-year-old not only learnt to walk on her hands but has even become the most essential person in the life of her husband.

Lyuba was born very premature and doctors claimed that there was no chance of her surviving. But the new-born girl held onto life with all her might and refused to give in. Lyuba’s mother could not find the strength to give up her daughter, although doctors strongly advised her to get rid of her, since the baby had no legs and would never be a complete person.

Despite the fact that things were so difficult for Lyuba because of her deformities, her parents not only failed to help her adapt to life, but patronized her in every way possible. For many years, Lyuba was confined to her home and beaten. There was no question of a school education for her.

Lyuba grew up like a wild animal, dreaming of her own legs, without love or affection, without presents or birthdays. Her relatives barely paid her any attention. She had to manage everything by herself. She taught herself to read, then to walk on her hands so quickly that it’s hard to believe. “I don’t even know how it happened,” she says. “I just remember unexpectedly breaking free from the ground and moving through the air.”

Only six years ago, after the death of her mother, Lyuba managed to escape her prison and go to a home for invalids and the elderly. It was here that the girl was lucky enough to find her first true love. Aleksei Murvyov worked in the home as a sanitary engineer and when he heard that a new girl had arrived, he decided to go and see her.

When he saw the pretty girl in the quarantine section, Muravyov felt that he had been waiting his whole life for such an encounter. He did not realize that she had no legs as she was lying in bed, but his feelings became even stronger when he found out about her physical condition. The desire to protect and defend his Lyuba from misfortune became the meaning of his life.

46-year-old Aleksei knew from experience how difficult it is to bear the injustices of fate alone. He was left an orphan very young, first he was raised by his grandmother, then his uncle. As a boy, he never knew love or affection, writes newspaper Desnitsa.

Aleksei’s heart, longing for love, was soon won over by the kind, sincere girl. In order not to miss his chance, Muravyov stole Lyuba from the home and took her to the bank of the river Dnestr, where he proclaimed his feelings to her. The girl reciprocated his feelings.

But soon afterwards, Muravyov had to return her to Bytoshski charity home. For five long years, Lyuba lost her lover from sight. But as always, she was not prepared to give in and did everything possible to reach him.

Five years after the day they met, she and Aleksei were finally able to get married. As is the custom, the bride was in white, but the wedding was a modest one. Lyuba now dreams of learning to sew in order to renew her small wardrobe, as she especially wants to be the most beautiful girl for her husband. “We are always together and I hope it will be like this forever,” says Aleksei, beaming with happiness. “Now we have been thinking about having children: we want two at least”.

At home, in the village of Tolvinka, nobody is shocked by Lyuba’s deformity any more. But when she and her husband travel to the city, people unwillingly stare at her. But the Muravyovs proudly look ahead: after all, they have each other so everything will be alright.

Oksana Anikina

Translated by Leila Wilmers

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov