Beckham Terrorized From Every Side

Highly likely, David is not eager to exchange Manchester United for anything else
PRAVDA.Ru already reported about alleged intention of the Manchester United leading player David Beckham to abandon the team for Madrid's Real. Recently, this rumor has become the topic of the day in the world press. So, while specialists, experts and football fans are conjecturing whether the rumor is true or not, whether the whole of the story is just somebody's invention or it is spread for someone's benefit, the famous football player and his wife Victoria Adams (she became popular for her performances together with Spice Girls) suddenly showed up in the center of Madrid and eagerly autographed the citizens.

England's most popular married couple decided to have dinner in a restaurant on Plaza Mayor and tasted paella, the traditional meal all foreign tourists order. After the dinner, they had a walk near the Santiago Barnabeu stadium. May it mean that David Beckham is leaving Manchester United for Real? He himself answers questions of this kind evasively.

However, soon after Beckham and Adams were seen in Madrid, the local press immediately reported that it was not the famous couple, but their doubles who visited the Spanish capital. As the press reported, those were actors Andy Harmer and Camilla Shadbolt who resembled the Beckhams very much. What is more, the Spanish sports newspaper Marca even reports that the actors have concluded an official contract with their "originals" for taking their places when necessary.

As the Russian news agency RIA Novosti reports, the actors have been profiting by the resemblance with the celebrities for 4.5 years already. And the recent trick in Madrid took place mostly thanks to London's The Evening Post that financed the doubles' trip and stay in Madrid.

Beckham Terrorized From Every Side

For the time being, both sides, the English and the Spaniards, distrust Real President Florentino Perez’ statement in an interview to the BBC that “no contract with Beckham is being negotiated.” In this context, specialists cite the examples of Zidan and Phigu, now playing with Real: Real representatives resorted to the same tactics and rejected all speculation concerning transition of the sportsmen to the Spanish football club till the very moment when the players were already in the team. Spanish experts suggest that Real is following “its best intention not to do much harm to other football clubs with early reports about the departure of their best sportsmen.”

It cannot be ruled out that this is actually true.

As for David Beckham, probably he is not eager himself to exchange Manchester United for something else, even for Real. The whole the story was highly likely spread not because of David Beckham, but because of his wife. It is an open secret already that it was Victoria who was the primary source of rumors about David’s transfer to Real: she has been eager to move to Spain with the family for a long time already. Once in a telephone conversation with top-model Naomi Campbell, Victoria said: “Next year David will be playing in Madrid! In May we are going to Spain to look for a house.”

After all, David knew what he was doing when he married whimsical Victoria Adams from Spice Girls.

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Author`s name Michael Simpson