U.N. blue helmets will go to Chechnya

European parliament has brought up the Chechen problem

145 delegates of the European parliament signed a document regarding peaceful settlement of the Chechen conflict, which had been offered earlier by Aslan Maskhadov. The plan undermines temporary establishment of UN administration in Chechnya.

According to a press-release of the Transnational radical party, the document was signed by Jens-Peter Bond, Emma Bonino, Daniel Konbedi and others. Representatives of all groups and all countries of the European parliament signed the document.

The plan suggested by the government of Ichkeria, entails a temporary establishment of UN administration in Chechnya, withdrawal of Russian troops from the region as well as disarmament of forces of Chechen resistance.

While being swamped with myriad of other problems, delegates of the State Duma, have not yet commented on such impertinent interference in Russia's internal affairs. Nevertheless, the subject of Chechnya has been brought up. Committee of the International Affairs of the State Duma has forwarded an inquiry to the General Office of Public Prosecutor concerning Akhmad Zakaev's visit to Germany.

“We would like to know what exact measures will be taken by the General Office in regards to Zakaev's extradition to Russia,” said head of the Committee Konstantin Kosachev in the course of his address to the lower chamber of the parliament.
Zakaev was invited by Speaker of Social-Democratic party of International Affairs Gerd Weiskirchen. He stayed in Berlin from January 28th till January 30th. Emissary of Chechen militants took part in a public discussion “Chechnya—possibilities of peace.”

After learning about Zakaev's visit from media, National Central Bureau of Interpol in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has forwarded a respective inquiry to Germany. Official representative of the Ministry of International Affairs Alexander Yakovenko stated that the main purpose of the Chechen emissary's visit to Germany was to through a shadow on those attempts of the Russian government to stabilize political situation in Chechnya.

The Ministry of International Affairs of the Russian Federation considers that Russian-German relations “allow for an open dialog and negotiations regarding any topic, including such serious issue as a fight against international terrorism.”

“This particular logic of negotiations is constructive and fully corresponds to the high level of Russian-German relations. We should not trust the logic of some dubious individual who does not even represent any rights of the Chechen people,” remarked the official representative of the Ministry.

Assistant to the Russian President Sergey Yastrzhembsky in turn has questioned a need for Interpol's further business in Russia in connection the emissary's appearance in Germany.

“Certain things that take place in Interpol raise a question we have to be able to answer—otherwise, why do we need Interpol in the first place?” remarked Yastrzhembsky in his interview.

“In November of last year, London’s city court refused to extradite the emissary of Chechen separatists to the Russian Federation. Russian government had been accusing Zakaev in accordance with 13 clauses. Among them were accusations in “terrorism”, “murder”, “holding hostages.” The London's court had been considering Zakaev's extradition in accordance with the inquiry.

Zakaev was arrested on December 5th, 2002 in London's Airport Heathrow where he had arrived from Denmark. Afterwards, however, the emissary of Chechen separatists was bailed out for 50 000 pounds by actress Vanessa Redgrave.
In the course of the past few months, Zakaev has been living with his family in one of the most prestigious districts Chelsea in London. All of his expenses are paid by Boris Berezovsky. Later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Britain announced its plans to grant political asylum to Zakaev.

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov