The business area of New York has turned into a tourist Mecca. Thousands of tourists come to New York to see the consequences of the financial crisis.
New York’s oldest business area reminded a carnival last Friday, reports. Wall Street has never seen so many tourists, reporters, students, hot dog sellers and policemen. A street musician was playing the tune of Elvis Presley’s Amazing Grace, thinking that the melancholic melody would match the atmosphere of the street best.
The crowd gathered on Wall Street because of the stock market crisis. Many tourists said that they came to the street to see how the financial world was going to change.
A Swedish guide was telling his tourists that they could witness the historical event, when the United States lost its prestige and leading positions and gave way to a whole number of other counties with, for example, China among them.
Chinese tourists were also present at the funeral ceremony of the American economy. Their guide extended the standard excursion of New York (the Central Park, the ruins of Twin Towers, Time Square) with Wall Street.
The tourist agitation in the narrow streets of the quarter was not a very good picture to match the gloomy faces of exchange brokers, who were trying to realize a sudden turn in their careers.
The consequences of the financial crisis could be seen outside Wall Street too. Many clerks rushed to the Church of the Holy Trinity in a desperate attempt to ask God for help. The temple is also included on the list of popular places of interest in New York. Many of them were willing to ask priests for a piece of advice and talk to the Creator. The clergymen were forced to open a special center of spiritual help. In addition, the demand on silver crosses, compact disks with spiritual music and prayer books has increased considerably.
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