Communists are religious fanatics, Orthodox priest says

The chairman of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchy for Cooperation with Armed Forces and Law-Enforcement Agencies, archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, released a statement in response to the remarks from the co-chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Ivan Melnikov, in connection with the legal rehabilitation of the czarist family.

“One shall proceed from the fact that communism is a religion in which there is no place to God. One should not be surprised about it, since such religions as Buddhism do not know what god is either and are solely based on philosophical views. Communists’ godless policies, their murders of priests and the demolition of temples, are a manifestation of religious struggle against Christianity. That is why there is nothing surprising about the words from contemporary apologists, who have had their days of the antihuman religion,” the archpriest said in his interview with the Orthodox news agency the Russian Line.

Ivan Melnikov described the rehabilitation of the family of the last Russian emperor as a short-term and temporal event. The politician also promised that “things would be put in their place” soon. Melnikov said that he considered the repressions of the czarist family justifiable and added that the church representation of the czarist martyrs was “a nice tale.” Melnikov believes that it was not Bolsheviks, but the whole working nation that brought down the sentence against the czarist family. The communist leader stressed out that the murder of the czar, the czarina and their children should not be perceived as fanatical cruelty, since “it was the only, albeit a radical way to cut ties with czarism.”

Commenting on Melnikov’s words, Dmitry Smirnov said: “There are religions that practice human sacrifice, and communism is one of such religions. Christianity and everything that is related to it is hostile to the bearers of the communist ideology. There can be normal people found among communists, who are not familiar with Marxism, although the real communists are obliged to hate Christ and His Church.”

“That is why the reaction of communists does not surprise me. What else can you expect from communists? It is absolutely normal for communists, although it is absolutely immoral from the point of view of our religious culture and ethics. It is obvious that communists treat Christianity with hatred, and upon their will they would have long ago retrieved their atheist religious cult, worshipping their god, a demon in human guise, Lenin. No one has ever done a greater evil to our Motherland, although his statues can be seen in our every town, and a street named after him can be found in almost every settlement. Isn’t this religious fanaticism? Melnikov’s remarks are the remarks from a religious fanatic, a staunch follower of the religion of communism,” archpriest Dmitry Smirnov concluded.

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov