The doctors of the cardiological center in the Kemerovo region were shocked when they made ultrasonic examination and saw the heart of a newborn baby Vanya Maryin. He was born with a 5-chamber heart. Only bees have such heart constitution. Funny enough the ‘bee-boy’, as doctors called him, comes from the beekeeper’s family.
The family remembers a wonderful inherited bee yard that Vanya’s grandfather held, and his wife that ran the ‘bee-business’ after his death. Her bees produced the best honey in the district.
Vanya was born not with 2 atriums like all the people on the Earth, but with an additional - third one. He could die anytime from a sudden push, fright or even happiness. But the body, adjusting to an unusual 5-chamber ‘bee-heart’, suggested the boy a saving, optimal ‘pose for life’.
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‘Doubled up, Vanya could seat for hours, crawling and carting his toy-cars around the apartment. It was only now that the doctors explained that only in that pose Vanya’s heart gets oxygen’, - says Vanya’s granny Lubov Ivanovna with tears of happiness in her eyes.
Doctor Elena Nufer explains: ‘The boy’s heart had 5 chambers instead of 4. Usually the heart consists of the right atrium and the right ventricle, the left atrium and the left ventricle. Vanya had 2 left atriums with a thin, like polyethylene, but firm and impenetrable interseptum. This interseptum was noticed only during the cardiogram. At first nobody believed.
Read also: 'Bird-boy' found in Russia
Blood from upper left atrium couldn’t get directly to an additional left atrium and then to left ventricle. But Heavens gave the boy a chance. This heart, as it turned out, first pumped blood to upper left atrium, then –in a fantastic way - through the hole to right atrium. Then blood got to left ventricle and finally to aorta.
Form such a complicated twist and overwork the left part of the heart was worn off by the time the boy was 5. The boy that used to be full of life and energy, started to wake up with short wind and exhaustion.
The surgery lasted for 6 hours. Surgeon Andrei Nokhrin tied up the holes and removed the interseptum, making one atrium out of 2. And the blond ‘bee-boy’ became an ordinary child.
Translated by Lena Ksandinova
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