Amazing nature never stops surprising us

Perseid meteor shower above Mounr Rainier, Washington. It is the most topographically prominent mountain in the contiguous United States and the Cascade Volcanic Arc

Denis Bellessort, founder of Bonds of Union, celebrated the premiere of his new collection by launching a 1-million-pound diamond in the sky above London. The jeweller attached the diamond to a remote-controlled hexacopter to fly above Holland Park in west London. 

The photo, made from the International Space Station, shows a cloud shaped in the form of a spaceship. This natural phenomenon was observed in West Africa

A group of people were extremely lucky to see a huge part of a glacier falling off and tumbling down into the water

US-based meteorologist Marko Korošec has taken countless pictures of tornadoes during 15 years of his professional activity. The speed of wind in some of them reached 80mph, or 128.75 kmh

An ice cave in Juneau, Alaska

Silbury Hill is a prehistoric artificial chalk mound near Avebury in the English county of Wiltshire. It is part of the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites UNESCO World Heritage Site