Russian Amphibious Aircraft Shocked NATO Bases

Foreign specialists highly estimated the operating performance of the amphibious aircraft
A summer demonstration of the Be-200 amphibious aircraft was conducted at the Elethsis Greek Air Force base, not far from Athens, ITAR-TASS reports with reference to the press-service of the Beriyev Scientific Technical Complex in the Russian city of Taganrog. It was the complex that designed the unique aircraft that has already set several world records.

The flights were organized under assistance of the Scorpion Greek company; representatives of the Greek Civil Security Ministry watched the demonstration flights. They highly estimated the technical and operating performance of the Be-200 amphibious aircraft; its diversion capacity and water discharge system; they admired its mobility and the transport resources.

An experimental model of Be-200 was designed in 1996; a presentation of the aircraft was held two years later. The amphibious aircraft can land on water and ground aerodromes; it can extinguish fires and participate in rescue operations at sea.  
Russian experts say that a potential market for the Be-200 amphibious aircraft assembled at the workshops of the Irkut research-and-production corporation may make up 180-350 aircrafts within the next 10 years. As expected, it will be Russia's EMERCOM that is to get the first Be-200 aircraft. The ministry plans to purchase seven planes of this type before 2005.

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Author`s name Michael Simpson