George Person: Washington makes and breaks laws RESPONSE

Well chaps, it appears, that we are, once again, embroiled on the issue of Serbia... 
You see it's rather elementary what happened in Serbia, notwithstanding all the slimy and murderous behavior the KLA pulled on defenseless Serbian families in the wake of the madness...
That the Balkans was the region which created WWI...something which the USA and European NATO felt they had the full right and moral obligation to put down with ruthless force...even if the Serbians consider the Albanians a group of cheesy losers, not worth the dirt underneath their boots...
When the Albanians ran for cover, Europe wasn't ready to open its door for a massive exodus of humanity from this region -NATO, began making preparations for a serious plan of urban renewal, making the region more accountable and hospitable to its rightful inhabitants...
It was a lousy thing to see such devastation to the region - but, what was the world to do when a full blown genocidal conflict was in the making?! The Western World passed moral judgment...which means many peoples and nations were offended on what was going on... When I look at Milosevic...he strikes me as a man who was playing hardball against a culture who were hard games players themselves...which the world today readily shows...but murdering people based on religious background is genocide and these were the charges against Milosevic, and the Serbs...
I don't know if I would call Milosevic a Saddam...but for the time, the media was on his case, for bringing chaos and instability in one of the world's most historically dangerous places...
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova