Obama West Point speech: He still doesn't get it

The pig-headed arrogance of US Presidents is as astonishing as their jingoistic, gung-ho lies are sickening and puerile, a pathetic attempt to pull the eyes over another generation of simpletons to graduate from West Point, a gullible collection of pawns to serve the interests of the lobbies which dictate US policy and pull the President's strings.

And yesterday's West Point speech by President Barack Nobel Peace Prizewinner was a prime and cynical example of the perfect balance between lies, skullduggery, bullying, blackmail, belligerence and intrusion which have become benchmarks of US foreign policy and a reiteration of the same old "America leads the World" nonsense which has got Washington so hated.

The knee-jerk reaction of the international community - and I am speaking about the hearts and minds of Humankind, not the political leadership which lines up to scoff a tidbit thrown by Washington to its poodles - is the same as when any animal with any intelligence sees a human being: an instinctive rush of mistrust, and an expectation of the very worst.

The recent history of the United States of America's foreign policy is by now well-known and exposed to all, despite similar speeches at West Point, and despite attempts to cover up the truth through a manipulation of public fear in the media, through propaganda and worse, through hacking attempts against websites, threats against servers and personal death threats against journalists such as myself.

Taking a brief look through the speech of Barack Nobel Peace Prizewinner Obama at West Point yesterday, it seems that little has changed, no pun intended. The underlying message, as usual, is America leads the world.

For a start, it isn't "America", it is "The United States of America" because its policies have rendered millions of people across the continent totally ashamed to use the collective adjective, just as countless millions of US citizens have to claim they are Canadians when they travel to Europe, as if that makes any difference these days, as Ottawa vies with London for the status of poodle-in-chief.

Secondly, the Cold War rhetoric has not disappeared: "In Ukraine, Russia's recent actions recall the days when Soviet tanks rolled into Eastern Europe". Comment: Which imbecile penned that drivel for Mr. Nobel Peace Prizewinner to read? Soviet tanks rolled into Europe to push back the Fascists, including Ukraine's Fascist pig collaborator and demonic murderer of civilians and children, Bandera, after the USSR had lost 26 million souls fighting Hitler.

Second comment: Does Mr. Nobel Peace Prizewinner not entertain the notion, in his utter brilliance, that when Fascists again sweep to power in Ukraine, calling for the murder of Russians and Jews, and issue anti-Russian edicts, when Russians are murdered and tortured on the streets of Kiev, then Russian-speaking Ukrainians and Russians themselves are going to be sensitive? Did Mr. Nobel Peace Prizewinner Obama utter one single word of condemnation against the Ukrainian Fascist massacres which took place at Mariupol, at Slov'yan'sk, at Odessa?

He probably cheered?

The speech followed with the claim that American leadership had isolated Russia, a failed attempt at the justification of a failed foreign policy when by now it is patently obvious to all with two grammes of grey matter between their ears that NATO is the cutting edge of the lobbies which control Wa$hington and pull the strings of its policymakers. It is NATO, led by the FUKU$ Axis (France, UK,U$) that is isolated from the hearts and minds of humankind.

In their hearts and minds exists everything that was missing from the speech of Barack Nobel Peace Prizewinner Obama: that where Washington treads, terror ensues. Who created the Mujaheddin? Who funded bin Laden? Who helped Saddam Hussein? Who masterminded Operation Condor in Latin America? Who had close relationships with Fascist dictators? Who meddled in Central America for decades? Who broke international law and insulted the UN Charter in Iraq? Who lied? Who claimed that Gaddafi was bombing his own people, then broke UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) by placing boots on the ground in Libya? Who is aiding terrorists in Syria? Who knew that the Syrian terrorists perpetrated the chemical weapons attacks to try and blame the forces of President Assad? Who has lost the war in Syria? Who tried to grab Russia's Crimea bases, then threw the toys out the pram when Moscow protected them?

That is what Ukraine is about. What the USA is about we can see perfectly clearly in Guantanamo Bay, where human rights abuses are a shining example of where the heart of the United States of America, or rather those who govern it, lies: this torture and concentration camp continues to operate, despite promises by Mr. Nobel Peace Prizewinner that he would close it, it continues to hold people in deplorable conditions without any due legal process, without even accusation in some cases. Yet when US citizens are imprisoned (without torture) abroad, he complains.

This, students of West Point, is what you will lay your lives on the line for to defend. Or will you? Actually, no. You will sit in an office somewhere far behind the lines as Columbians, Brazilians and Mexicans are sent to their deaths wearing US uniforms in exchange for the Green Card if they make it back home because hey! that way the casualties don't count and US boys don't die, but American boys do, fighting Washington's wars.

See, the Pentagon likes to hand out contracts for weaponry tested in battle situations, so for that reason we will hear speeches like this, trying to justify the unjustifiable, for decades to come.

So, if Barack Obama were honest, for once, he would admit that NATO countries are expected to spend some 2 per cent of their GDP on weaponry, while NATO spends some 1.2 trillion USD annually on systems to murder people, three times more than it would take, in one single payment, to eradicate poverty, globally, forever. So much for his claims about development.

In conclusion, this is a lightweight and inconsequential speech from a lightweight and inconsequential President who blew his chance to get Washington back into the international fold, who has underlined the division between Washington and its poodles and the hearts and minds of the people of the world who do not these days believe a word he or his country says and who feel a sullen and seething, white-knuckle and white-faced hatred at the very mention of the name "USA".

The United States of America has become a bottom-feeder and is led by a person who has reneged on his promises. Ask the victims of the drone attacks.


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



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