France and the UK: F-UK Syria

Surprise, surprise... France and the United Kingdom pressuring the Nobel Peace Prize-winning European Union to lift the arms embargo on Syria so that weapons can be supplied to the terrorists running amok, slicing people to pieces, torturing, raping, murdering, just like their darlings did in Libya. It's the F-UK Syria plan!

And guess who is pulling their strings? Why, the US, making it the complete FUKUS Axis (France, UK, US), the three musketeers behind NATO's imperialist policy to serve as the Rottweiler for the energy, banking and arms lobbies which control the policy of Washington and her poodles London and Paris. The master plan is by now crystal clear: destabilize Syria, then when the Government fights back and starts whipping NATO's terrorist forces, arm them and remove the government.

Washington and London have already said, prematurely, that President Assad has no part to play in Syria's future (what utter arrogance, intrusion and imperialist meddling), showing what their plans are: setting up a pro-western state as the first stepping stone towards an all-out attack on Iran, removing Russia's last Mediterranean base as they do so.

And after Iran, guess whose "soft-under belly" they are already referring to behind closed doors, as their greedy piggy little eyes focus on Siberia's massive resources? And the master plan thus manages to encircle the growing super power to the East, the People's Republic of China. If they spark war along the way, noises are already being made that the only way out of such a deep economic recession is a war economy, so... the puzzle fits together nicely.

But this plan has a fundamental flaw. No longer does Washington control the destinies of the world, and decisions taken and lines drawn up in the corridors of Whitehall in London and the Elisée Palace in Paris hold little sway in a world in which the power of the individual is growing and that of the State diminishing.

As London declares that it has "no immediate plans" to arm the Syrian terrorists, it is obvious that some agency somewhere will get these arms in, as if they were not already, through Middle East lackey boys Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Yet as London makes these plans, who is to say that the weaponry they deliver will not fall into "the wrong hands", given the proven terrorist links, including to Al-Qaeda, of numerous elements in Syria's "opposition"?

So, the foreign policy of Paris and London is more wars, more destabilizing already volatile situations, more bloodshed, more murder, rape, torture, mutilation, instead of using their diplomatic skills to bring about a negotiated peace settlement among all parties, resisting the temptation to intrude and impose conditions from outside. In this, it is perfectly clear that Paris and London do not stand for peace and that their foreign policies need a serious revision and contemplation process, for they seem to have changed little from the nineteenth century when they were drawing lines on maps and stating "This is ours, and that is yours, eh what?"

The immediate consequence is the fact that the European Union definitively cannot manage to speak with one voice, when it comes to the test, because now each country has the right to deal with Syria as it wishes (that is what France and the UK wanted all along). The only force driving a sensible and diplomatic path through the belligerence of the FUKUS Axis is Moscow, which terms the decision, rightly, "double standards".

More and more, the west digs itself into a hole, paints itself into a corner and then complains when its policies come back and strike it square in the face.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey





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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey