Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.By Alexander Gofen
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
(John Adams, October 11, 1798)
Our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people of the Judeo-Christian faith, living on an isolated continent.
It is wholly inadequate to the government and people of any other faith.
It is wholly inadequate under conditions of wide openness to hostile ideologies and people carrying them.
(The 2011 update)
In spite of the time difference of about 100 years, the Russian Empire had fallen, and the United States is in the process of fall due to the similar causes: the negligence and failure to confront the destructive forces of Marxism.
Russian Empire |
The United States of America |
Prior to 1917: About 40 years of slightly suppressed Marxist propaganda. Between 1905 and 1917: the militant Marxists extorted money from capitalists, while many other rich people joined and financed the Marxists willingly. Yet prior to 1917 Marxism is still mostly unknown and unpopular in Russia. |
Despite the known history of Russia after 1917, for about 100 years United States completely neglected the threat of Marxism and allowed it to spread at all levels of government and private institutions. Yet prior to the 1950s Marxism was still rather unpopular in the US. Some attempts to fight it back took place by Sen. J. McCarthy or historian Skousen. After the 1960s however, Marxism was spreading freely. It has consumed the system of education completely. The (demagogic) Marxist talk points became a standard for the entire political system. The mass media became 100% Marxist. All the rich and powerful who speak out accepted the Marxist demagogy, no exceptions (1). |
Since resignation of the Emperor of Russia in February 1917, the Temporary government was too weak and too liberal. That government ignored the intelligence that Germany purposely let the train through its territory in 1917 with the so called "sealed cars" delivering V. Lenin and his team of the most militant Bolsheviks into Russia. Germany also financed this team with multi million support funds wishing the Bolsheviks to take power in Russia. The Temporary government ignored this threat, and never acted adequately against Lenin - a German spy. Using these funds, Bolsheviks had bought newspapers and a lot of influence just in a few months of 1917. In doing so, on November 7, 1917, in almost bloodless silent coup Bolsheviks dismissed the Constitutional Convention and the Temporary government. Since that moment they established a dictatorship, which at first seemed hardly noticeable by anybody. |
The strategists and law enforcing agencies in the US have completely neglected the spread of Marxism in the US. These agencies were rather picking the wind and reading the wish of the "political elite". The law enforcement deliberately ignored the money sources and illegal activity of peoples like Soros, clubs like Bilderberg, and the "one world government" ideologues. Therefore in 2008 a constitutionally unqualified (not US natural born) candidate, a Marxist, an agent of influence and Moslem sympathizer, identity thief, fraud and forger Obama/Soetoro was promoted, allowed to campaign and to win the US presidency - unobstructed by even one political leader, election commission, or any other official! Unobstructed by his opponents McCain and Palin! Unobstructed by the opposition - Republican - party. In fact, Republicans, McCain and Palin cooperated with the rival in order that he win: They did vet McCain's qualifications (Sen. Res 511, 2008) but had never done it for the opponent. Republicans keep helping the usurper to win up to this moment in 2012, when it is already discovered that the usurper is a fraud and identity thief. They carefully avoid bringing fore or even hinting to any of the numerous crimes of Obama - the rival, whom they supposedly wish to win. According to the analysis compiled by J. Williams, many representatives of the elite and the legislature desired to see Obama a president and paved the way for him many years prior to 2008, yet their activity was ignored. So the November of 2008 became a day of a de-facto coup in the US, when the Constitution was silently and willingly abandoned by all the political parties and by the three "as though independent" branches of the government. This coup (now in progress) first seemed hardly noticeable by anybody. |
In 1917-1920 despite of the German cash, Bolsheviks still were mostly unknown and unpopular in wider Russia: especially due to their militant atheism. However they had succeeded to quickly grab the power in several cities. There were no independent branches of government in Russia, nor any tradition of law obedience. There was no judiciary branch through which the patriots could contest the coup. The Army was the only possible force of resistance then in Russia, which could confront the coup, and so it did. |
Unlike Russia in 1917-1920, the Marxism in America became widely known and welcomed by a great proportion of citizenry (near 50%). These relatively new type of citizenry emerged due to grotesquely generous entitlements of the government. The government was incapable and unwilling to zip its wallet, and it just zealously placated the unproductive class (something unthinkable in Russia (2)). That citizenry completely lost the work ethic and spiritual foundation proper to American citizenry prior to ascend of Marxism. Therefore, the coup of 2008 in the US not only was hardly identified as such, but worse: "The change" was welcomed by the majority. Unlike in Russia of 1917, the old three branches of government in America formally remained in power. Yet they maintained the state of total denial about the unconstitutionality of the impostor Obama/Soetoro, and about the very fact of the 2008 coup. The entire issue became a taboo. |
The Russian Army those days was exhausted by the WWI, undermined and corrupted by the Marxist propaganda. Yet the elite of the Army and the middle echelon were still loyal to the lawful government of Russia. They did not join the Bolshevik coup and formed the so called White Army in order to defeat Bolsheviks and to restore the lawful government of Russia. There were many prominent generals in various parts of Russia which formed the parts of the White Army: Kolchak, Denikin, Wrangel - to name a few. |
Unlike in Russia, the US Army actually backed the coup (except only three middle level officers!). The US Army therefore has betrayed the oath to protect the US Constitution. As of this moment (March, 2012), there is no indication that something analogous to the Russian White Army may ever emerge in the US in a foreseeable future. The entire US Army plays the role of the Red Army of Russia in 1917-1921. As to the citizenry, only a small part of it has noticed and recognized the unconstitutionality of what happened in 2008. Theseconstitutionalists (mocked as "birthers" by the collaborators of the coup) are struggling for the full exposure and prosecution of the impostor. Unlike them, the so called Tea Parties (named so after the rebels of the 1770s) evade any mentioning of the illegitimacy issue, struggling only against certain policies of the "president". The constitutionalists pursue the judicial line of fight challenging the courts (see below). However the courts so far audaciously sabotaged each and every attempt to hear the case in merits. The US courts now are no different from the Soviet "courts". |
The White Army unfortunately was defeated and betrayed. At the beginning the civil war was more successful for the White Army, which succeeded to catch the gold treasury of Russia. Unlike the constitutionalists in America, the parts of White Army were compactly located in various areas of wide Russia. Yet these parts of White Army were separated and unconnected geographically, while the Red Army in the center was one connected entity. Even more importantly, the White Army was (mostly) a voluntary army, and its human resource was limited, while the Red Army was mobilized via conscription by the Bolshevik dictatorship. For that reason alone the White Army was doomed. Also, in those days nobody in Russia could even imagine the scope and ugliness of the Bolshevik dictatorship as it unfolded later. And Russians then got already seduced by baseless promises of Marxists. The White Army was also betrayed by the world powers and even by some of its commanders. The world powers ceased any military help to the White Army - not understanding at all the peril of the Bolshevism for the entire world. |
As of March, 2012, no part of the US Army is up to disobeying the usurper Obama/Soetoro and the treasonous military brass. No part of it appears ready to split away into a separate White Army with the goal to protect the Constitution. Even if a certain number of personnel decided to do so, it would be problematic to gain an access to the treasury, hardware, ammunition and high-tech. In the moment there is not one state among the 50 states which is ready to secede and to host a would-be White Army of America. So far the forces wishing to resist are thinly spread nation-wide, and it is unclear how even to bring them together compactly (not to mention how to feed and provide for them). There are no external political powers interested in helping the hypothetical American White Army in restoring the American Constitution (much less the former role of America as the super power). |
No judicial attempts to restore the constitutional order in Russia had ever taken place. |
The judicial fight for restoration of the Constitutional order lasts since the end of 2008 and is still in progress. |
There were numerous attempts of attorneys to file the cases in US courts. Yet all the cases were dismissed without hearing in merits: mostly on the ground as though American voters "have no standing" (i.e. they did not suffer a specific damage) because of election of a Constitutionally unqualified candidate! There were several decisions of American Grand Juries in 2009 which found Obama/Soetoro guilty in various crimes from fraud and perjury to treason. Then a prominent black pastor in Harlem, New York, James Davis Manning held a (people) trial in May 2010, which indicted Obama in the above mentioned crimes. In 2011 many experts filed their reports to FBI and other offices of state prosecution, in which reports the experts testified forgery of the officially presented documents of Obama. However neither of those state prosecution offices have followed the reports of the experts, private citizens, of American Grand Juries or the Manning (people) trial in May 2010. The leader of the judicial fight and its most prominent personality is Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq (now running for the US Senator from CA). In December 2011, the fight reached the next phase - the challenge to all 50 state election commissions, attempting to re-enter the illegitimate candidate Obama into the primary ballots the second time. The main source of information about various aspects of this fight is Dr. Taitz' site http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/ and also a conservative news outlet http://www.wnd.com/ . In February 2012, the first hearing of the case in merits finally took place by GA administrative judge M. Malihi. Both constitutional and criminal charges against Obama/Soetoro therefore were first entered on official record. Dr. Orly Taitz brought the evidence and testimonies of 7 witnesses and experts, who all testified that the major personnel documentation of Obama/Soetoro is forged and faked. However the ruling of the judge was so grotesque that it rather symbolizes the end of Justice in this nation (see here and here). On March 1, 2012 the investigation group of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County (Arizona) announced their first findings at a press conference for the mass media. The Sheriff had independently confirmed that the officially presented partial and full birth certificates of Obama were computer forgeries, and his military registration card was faked too. In other words, the sitting "president" appears to have no personnel documentation legitimizing his presidency. Moreover, he is implicated in a deliberate production of counterfeit documents. Normally such a sensational discovery ought to bring the mass media into the state of shock. It ought to explode into a nonstop extensive coverage of this scandal. However what happened to be sensational was rather the silence - the deafening silence! - of the major American media. It took the English issue of Pravda (Truth) to publish an in-depth analysis of the Sheriff's report. |
1) Amazingly accurately the demise of America was predicted already in 1984 by a defector from KGB Yuri Bezmenov. In our time (2010-2012) a group of authors compiled a video clip juxtaposing the original footage of the interview with Bezmenov 25 years ago vs. a series of the well recognizable culprits of America's demise of the modern days.
2) In the USSR the Marxist demagoguery like "caring about the poor and downtrodden" was used only as propaganda talking points. Such humanitarian niceties as welfare, food stamps, or even short term unemployment checks had never existed there, nor could be even thought of.
Alexander Gofen worked as a computer programmer and
mathematician (currently retired). Occasionally he
publishes articles and comments on conservative issues in
English and Russian (also at his own blog
http://www.resonoelusono.com in Esperanto).
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