Ukraine wants to attract NATO forces into Black Sea region

Russia pledges to retaliate should NATO forces create risks in Black Sea region

Ukraine maritime security strategy plans to attract NATO forces to the Black Sea are a threat to Russia, and Moscow will take retaliatory measures to ensure its own security, Kremlin official representative Dmitry Peskov said in a comment.

Ukraine calls Russia primary threat to its maritime security

On July 17, President Volodymyr Zelensky approved Ukraine's maritime security strategy. The document involves the development of comprehensive and effective prevention and response to maritime security threats.

In the very first paragraph of the document, Kyiv stated the need to restore control over the sea coast and maritime area within the 1991 borders. The Ukrainian leadership also accused Russia of actions against the country in the Black and Azov Seas.

"Restoring and ensuring the safety of sea routes is vital for the existence of the Ukrainian state," Ukraine's maritime security strategy runs.

Russia was identified as a priority threat to Ukraine's maritime security. Kyiv accused Moscow of attacks on sea and river infrastructure, of mining maritime space, and of obstructing free navigation in the region. The Ukrainian leadership believes that the Russian Armed Forces will continue attacks from the Black Sea as part of the special military operation.

Kyiv also announced Ukraine's pull out from international agreements in the field of maritime security concluded with Russia. The Ukrainian authorities have set an additional goal of removing Moscow from administering the port control database in the Black Sea region.

Ukraine wants NATO forces more active in the Black Sea

NATO's active involvement in the region is a key objective of Ukraine's maritime strategy. In particular, Kyiv intends to ensure the constant presence of alliance forces in the Black Sea, to conduct regular exercises, maneuvers and other joint events.

According to the document, Kyiv also plans to expand cooperation with the alliance on operations of joint naval forces. It is expected that Ukraine will be involved in the activities of relevant NATO centers as well as programs for specialized training of personnel of the Naval Forces of Ukraine.

Moscow to take retaliatory measures in response

The plans of the Ukrainian leadership to expand partnership with NATO provoked a response from Russia. The presence of NATO warships in the Black Sea region is going to create additional risks, should Kyiv's measures be implemented. At the same time, the Kremlin took into account Bulgaria's and Romania's membership, which are coastal states.

"This poses, especially in the current situation, additional threats to the Russian Federation," Dmitry Peskov said.

The presidential spokesman referred to the 1936 Montreux Convention, which regulates the passage of naval ships into the Black Sea. Turkey plays the role of the administrator for the passage of such ships and "performs its functions quite clearly.”

"Of course, Russia will take all necessary measures to ensure its own security," Peskov added.

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Author`s name Pavel Morozov
Editor Dmitry Sudakov