Manager books wedding and saves life of his customer

A sales manager of a Long Island banquet hall in New York displayed a wonderful example of love for fellow men. He donated a kidney to his former customer, who was dying of a polycystic kidney disease, a genetic disorder of which his mother, grandmother and brother died.

Matt Fulgieri, a 42-year-old father of two young boys who lives in Astoria , Queens, was left with only weeks to live, when he received a successful kidney transplant from Rick Bellando, who had become a friend after booking Fulgieri's wedding.

Initially, Fulgieri was unwilling to accept the offer, as Bellando had three little girls and he didn't want anybody with children to get tested. But Fulgieri had to agree eventually as family donors had failed to be a match and the list of options was getting shorter by the day.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (also known as Polycystic Kidney Syndrome) (PKD) is a progressive, genetic disorder of the kidneys. It occurs in humans and other organisms. PKD is characterized by the presence of multiple cysts (hence, "polycystic") in both kidneys. The disease can also damage the liver, pancreas, and rarely, the heart and brain. The two major forms of polycystic kidney disease are distinguished by their patterns of inheritance.

Although a cure for PKD is not available, treatment can ease the symptoms and prolong life.

There are two options for replacing kidney functions: dialysis or transplantation. Healthy (non-PKD) kidneys transplanted into PKD patients do not develop cysts.

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