Tu-154 hung in the air for 30 seconds before it fell

Tu-154 hung in the air for 30 seconds before it fell
Tu-154 hung in the air for 30 seconds before it fell

Witnesses reported new details Wednesday about the Russian Tu-154 airliner’s crash near Donetsk.

“At the time of the crash we were in the lab, which is located near the scene of the accident. The plane made a few circles and hung in the air for 30 seconds. Then it fell straight to the ground,” – reports a local citizen Nikolay Yakovenko. His words are cited in “Donbass News.”

The area where the tragedy took place is closed to the public. Operators are working there leading the investigation. Places are prepared where bodies would be presented for recognition, but the process is complicated by the fact that most of them are badly burned. The crash that happened on Tuesday killed 169 people.

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