Rescuers find flight recorders and all bodies of crashed Tu-154 plane

Flight recorders of the Tu-154 passenger airliner, which crashed in Eastern Ukraine yesterday, have been found, Russian Transport Minister Igor Levitin said. International Aviation Committee will decode the data recorded on the black boxes in Moscow. “They are tape flight recorders, the information recorded on them will be decoded in Moscow when specialists open the boxes,” Levitin said.

Rescuers have also completed collecting the remains of 170 victims of the air crash today. All the bodies will be identified in a morgue of the city of Donetsk, on the outskirts of which the tragedy took place. Identification problems may occur with about 20 bodies. “Others will be easy to identify with relatives’ help,” one of the rescuers said.

According to one of the versions, a lightning struck the Tupolev 154 plane and the aircraft crashed down from the height of 10-11 kilometers. Specialists of the Russian Interior Ministry also investigate the version of a possible terrorist act.

August 24 has been declared a mourning day in Russia.

Based on news reports of Russian media

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

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