Arkhangelsk Highway May Be Flooded This Spring

Water level may reach 3 meters this year, which is 50 centimeters higher than the last year's result
As the press-service of Russia's Arkhangelsk region informs, ice-breakers and towboats meant for participation in anti-flood operations have undergone repairing, crews of the vessels are ready for the operations as well. As is reported, ice has been already downed in some parts of the Northern Dvina river.

As for major ice-breaking works, this time they will be held just exactly in the three branches of the river where this type of work is done every year. Today tug ferries will start operating on the river near Arkhangelsk. Experts say that this year the level of flood water will be too high; majority of territories are expected to be flooded. The risk zone will traditionally cover the settlements of Maimaksa, Kegostrov, Khabarka and Solombala.

A commission of specialists from Russia's EMERCOM headed by Deputy EMERCOM Minister Gennady Korotkov arrived in Arkhangelsk. According to the latest forecasts issued by the regional department for emergency situations and confirmed by the northern hydrometeorology committee, ice drift will take place in Arkhangelsk on May 5-7. Critical flood levels may be also fixed in some districts of the region. The rivers of Pinega, Mezen and Onega may behave unexpectedly as well this spring. If the situation develops according an unfavorable scenario, even the highway going from Moscow to Arkhangelsk may be flooded. Good work of ice-breakers will be the key factor of flood fighting on the territory of the city of Arkhangelsk, while in the upper stream of Northern Dvina much hope is pinned on blasters.

Besides, the situation will also depend upon weather and upon the thawing rate. Director of the regional department for emergency situations, Mikhail Busin says that the year of 2003 fixed a record depth of snow cover. The hydrometeorology committee forecasts that water level may reach 3 meters this year, which is 50 centimeters higher than the last year's result. Special medical, rescue and repairing teams have been already formed to fight the flood.

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Author`s name Michael Simpson