Pope John Paul II is dying at age 84

News media report the Pontiff has died, although there has no been official confirmation from the Vatican received yet

The heart of John Paul II stopped beating late in the evening today. The news arrived from Sky Italia TV channel, at 22:20, Moscow time.

The Pope's state of health worsened considerably on Friday night, according to an official spokesman for the Vatican. John Paul's blood pressure worsened as well; the cessation of kidney activities was likely to occur.

John Paul II spent his last day praying and meeting Vatican high officials. The Pope asked one to them to read him an excerpt from the Bible about the crucifixions of Jesus Christ and the burial.

Sky Italia TV channel also reported with reference to unnamed sources in the Vatican that the Pope had lost his consciousness. Official sources did not confirm the information, though.

Italian doctors believe that the Pope's state of health is hopeless.

High officials of the Vatican say that one should not be confused to pronounce the word “death” - John Paul II is prepared for it.

According to new reports from Italian media outlets, the Italian President Carlo Ciampi, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the chairmen of the two houses of the national parliament are currently staying close to the Pope.

Doctors diagnosed a urinary tract infection with the Pope on Thursday. The Pontiff refused to be hospitalized – doctors were treating him in the Vatican residence.

John Paul II is 84 years old. The Pope endured tracheotomy a month ago, from which he hadn't completely recovered. The Pope was breathing through a special pipe to ease the breathing process. It became known later that doctors inserted a special probe through the Pope's nose to supply the Pontiff's body with liquid nourishment.

A large number of metal barriers have been delivered to Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican to control crowds of people that filled the square, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the Italian TV channel RAI. The faithful on the square are praying for the Pontiff's life, keeping their eyes on the windows of the Pope's apartment.

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Author`s name Olga Savka